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  1. The Ruiner

    In the event of martial law, what will your first actions be?

    So, let me get this straight ND, you think that just because you make it outside of the US with what possessions you care to carry (which, by your posts would be large amounts of silver/gold), and being unable to speak spanish, you would be okay? Bullshit dude. The moment anyone saw your guero...
  2. The Ruiner

    National Defense Authorization Act sections 1031 and 1032

    Rhetoric versus text, which he neglects to reference subsection D of the section in question...which affords constitutional protections to American citizens apprehended IN the US. Read the text of the bill. Graham has his political motivations for misprepresenting the issue. Subtitle...
  3. The Ruiner

    Iran kick off looking iminant?

    Yeah...and they are scant on the specifics. An unnamed source, a "minimally damaged" drone, and the issuance of threats are all just more Iranian fanfare without substance. IF they actually did, I am sure that they would put it on display and make a real show out of it. Additionally, that...
  4. The Ruiner

    In the event of martial law, what will your first actions be?

    Peru? Are you all afraid of extradition? Furthermore, how many of you speak fluent spanish? You do realize that making it all the way to South America AFTER martial law has been declared will be nothing short of a miracle? Unless you have pre-planned your routes of escape (and cached...
  5. The Ruiner

    National Defense Authorization Act sections 1031 and 1032

    Read the text. It's explicitly clear as to how this does not pertain to Americans living inside the US, and that Americans are protected by the Constitution. Furthermore, the entire subsection D in question specifically addresses detainees at Guantanamo. So, if you were arrested for...
  6. The Ruiner

    National Defense Authorization Act sections 1031 and 1032

    You said it, not me.
  7. The Ruiner

    This Is Scary!

    Wow...again! Another thread started about a subject that has been shown to be misrepresented, and agreed to by an originally dissenting party. Do you guys ever get tired of intentionally misinterpreting issues without ever caring to read the actual text of what it is you are discussing...
  8. The Ruiner

    National Defense Authorization Act sections 1031 and 1032

    Deprave, flip flop much? Didn't we go over this already? What gives, man? Revisionist BS... Subtitle D--Detainee Matters SEC. 1031. AUTHORITY TO DETAIN UNPRIVILEGED ENEMY BELLIGERENTS CAPTURED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF MILITARY FORCE. (a) In General- The Armed...
  9. The Ruiner

    Senate Moves To Allow Military To arrest/hold Citizens with no charge or trial

    You are citing a summary, not actual TEXT. If you read the actual text you would realize that those two sections are referring to detainees specifically AT GUANTANAMO...Furthermore, if you read closely you will see that the part you underlined and put in red text effectively means that the rest...
  10. The Ruiner

    Gotta Love Russia

    Russia recognizes annulment of S.Ossetian elections Don't you just love how great things are in other countries? I mean, since we are SO repressed here in the US, and obviously there are such better governed countries in which to live...Couldn't we just watch more Russia today videos about...
  11. The Ruiner

    Senate Moves To Allow Military To arrest/hold Citizens with no charge or trial

    so...I just read the sections in questions and the say absolutely nothing regarding detaining American citizens. And the Udall amendment was voted down...this entire thread is full of more fear mongering bullshit with NO citation of the text to clearly illustrate the claims made...
  12. The Ruiner

    The old school/extreme metal thread!

    Yeah...2003 is not that old school...I thought at first it was these guys... Who are way better...
  13. The Ruiner

    WWW III has started

    PJ's=Pararescue Jumper
  14. The Ruiner

    Next target....Pakistan... The world is watching you America!!!

    Umm... PAKISTAN... There, now the thread is back on track.
  15. The Ruiner

    Maybe Drone's monitoring us, tazing us, and shooting at us is not such a good idea?

    Stop Dan, you are ruining the misconception that every drone is a predator or reaper operated by a maniac just waiting to bomb civilians sleeping in their beds. Shh....just let the children run wild - it's easier than actually correcting them.
  16. The Ruiner

    Does Israel control America?

    I'm all for a house cleaning...obviously because I don't have to do the work. I could give you some other recommendations... You go on with your bad self, get them Zionists...You're gonna make that difference! Save the people! Spread the truth!
  17. The Ruiner

    All This Talk About Taxes

    I would gladly pay up, because I know first-hand that it isn't the childs fault, or mine. I was raised on government assistance, was it my fault? Am I grateful that my brother and I didn't just starve, or live in homeless shelters? Totally.
  18. The Ruiner

    All This Talk About Taxes

    No Drama hath decreed that all children in poverty are thus doomed by their own hand! So it was typed on the internet, so it must be true in real life.
  19. The Ruiner

    WWW III has started

    Sounds like you have everything all figured out.