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  1. M

    Ist post confussed and upset

    Wow sorry about your bad luck I get my seeds from the attitude...... and Nirvana...... 869 wow that is lam......go to your despenacery....goodluck........use a diff adderss......
  2. M


    GO to read it has everythang a new grower needs and even can buy weed from there check it out pease.....
  3. M

    preflowers showed today male or female?

    When you see hairs its agirl balls boy try this with out pics we cannot tell ya .......
  4. M

    hello from the southeast

    wecome and sometimes not knowin is a great way to learn good luck....peace.....
  5. M


    sound fine just keep an eye on heat......peace......
  6. M

    Can you tell the variety by looking at pics?

    It`s to hard to tell stain but sativa and indaca are easy to tell this may help Go to and read.......Gluck.....
  7. M

    Help me please!

    Thay look fine patients it take`s time and your not going anywhere are u..........
  8. M

    my simple setup and 2 happy girls

    Looks great and as for experts on this site there are none only my op 2cents.......
  9. M

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    It also depends on what strain you use you can fit 4 thay if not more you can sceez and also put more than 1 plant per pot al depends on how well u use space.... 2cents werth.peace....
  10. M

    When will I know if my clones survived?

    You will know in a day or 2 if thay look helthy or wilting....
  11. M

    Can you grow marijuana in a 2 liter bottle?

    You can but the more room for roots the better althoght auto is ok size......
  12. M

    Male or female? I'll let the veteran growers help me out.

    Looks male to me but not sure are thare any hairs thare.can`t tale......
  13. M

    1st grow-small 150w

    Looks and sound like your in the right path ....... great work.....
  14. M


    Some of the auto`s are good with 24/7 u can look it up thay are auto`s and u can look up lowryder`s web and git the skinny on why thay were intradust for ppl that live in alaska and other plase`s with short grow season`s .....peace.....
  15. M

    I've read and read and just get more confused with flowering Nutes !!!!

    Sound`s like all is well you could go a 24 hour light off. Patients is the ky.....Stupidity is not an op..... if you`d like here`s a little helper Go to peace......just my 2 cent`s...
  16. M

    stem strength

    :leaf:I use those little shscubob.stic`s thay work great.....:leaf::clap:
  17. M

    Can i use miracle grow?

    MG is fine I used it before....But I use FOX farms now I like it for me and it`s only 5 to 7 buck`s gluck
  18. M

    Need a lil help with my harvest

    Personaly I don`t use any nut`s for at least the last few watering`s plain water is the way she look`s nice and milky is good amber or brown is better on the tric`s my op........
  19. M

    changing flavors and smell

    The last 3 bagseed grows I have had were nice.It`s just how good the bud was from the bag you chose.... The first time I did it It was a kush strain of some kind and was vary strong. I bred it with soma A and will try them out this year some time.....O well I don`t think u can change aplants...
  20. M

    Does my room look to crowded????

    Just leave them see what happens in the next 2 weeks looks to me thay fit just right.....Great job.......