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  1. notoriousb

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    fucking caterpillars wrecked shop this year... there was this one on a gdp plant and no joke it was slight lavendar in color. shouldve took a picture but it was probably as wide as a pencil since it had been working on it for so long. what's those super purple buds you still have going tho...
  2. notoriousb

    Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

    here's a shot of what it looks like in my room right now. it's on 18/6 for another week or two then flipping to 12/12. still have some room to add another 4 plants so I need to get a little more Ocean Forest but I'm still not sure. might just go with the 12 I have in there. let me know what...
  3. notoriousb

    Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

    sup everyone. so I know the first part of the journal took a little detour with the mites and all :-( but today I vaccummed, bombed, and then disinfected my bloom room. I think my clones are mite free at this point but I'm not going to risk it so I'm going to release the left over lady bugs I...
  4. notoriousb

    The Fox's Northernberry Grow - T5/250HPS, Organic Media

    so these are seeds and not clones? you should take some clones of each and flower them to see which ones are which. then keep the mothers and do a load of clones. like your setup tho and I'm switching to a dwc myself pretty soon after this last run with soil I think. scribed bongsmilie
  5. notoriousb

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    I'd say it was a good investment then ;-) is that the grapefruit x nycd?
  6. notoriousb

    it all starts with a gallon of gas

    spin pro yea? how much does it do at once? ps- like the latex ;-)
  7. notoriousb

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    congrats man :bigjoint:
  8. notoriousb

    Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

    so I decided to just toss the 4 I had in bloom to help deal with the mite issue. the ladybugs are still working in my flower room and I'm still dealing with mites in my veg space too, so hopefully get those under wraps soon so I can transplant all my clones and start flowering them, and then...
  9. notoriousb

    Grapefruit x nycd & hijack guerilla grow 09'

    damn man. sucks to hear a tick got ya. that's gotta be a trip with that blotter aand that lyme's disease. hope youre feelin better man :leaf:
  10. notoriousb

    Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

    Haha no worries Boulder. I love setting the stage for like-minds to come together and practice our 2nd Amendment right... Prohibition of MJ should've never happened in the first place. Our country was founded on the ideals of men who were high as shit, and they realized that "hemp" was of the...
  11. notoriousb

    Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

    I like this one too- :bigjoint: "Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country." - Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President quote on Hemp
  12. notoriousb

    Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

    yea dude, alllllll the founding fathers got high and smashed as shit when they were holding their free mason meetings. washington has some good quotes too. and most people dont even realize that when govt created the prohibition it then in turn created the underground market for it allowing such...
  13. notoriousb

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

    haha oh alright. thought there was an underlying meaning to "the dark side of loaded sogs" haha :twisted: my next run is gonna be all sogged up! cant wait :bigjoint:
  14. notoriousb

    10,000 Watt Grow.........

    BOOYA! how much longer are you guys going to veg for before flippin? such a rad grow tho fellas :clap: definitely my favorite indoor journal(minus the know-it-alls and free speech nazi's) I appreciate you guys letting us be part of something soo fucking rad :blsmoke:
  15. notoriousb

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

    lol is it the "dark side" because there's some legality issues with that many??
  16. notoriousb

    First Med Coco Grow - finished

    you could always run the lights at night and off during the day to help with night time drops in temp. that's what I do and it says around 60 during the day with lights off and holds 74-77 at night with lights on depending on outside temps. just an idea
  17. notoriousb

    Nb's 600w Hps Basement Corner Grow

    haha thanks man. it's just a random funny picture I found but yea pretty sure it is. theyre such rad cats. just had to put mine down about a month ago tho... :-(
  18. notoriousb

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

    damn, that trimmer takes it. best I've seen so far :eyesmoke: I feel ya though on the precision trimming. Nothing like cleaning up dank buds and really seeing the danktitude of the bud after you give it a nice manicure :weed:
  19. notoriousb

    THELOADEDDRAGON'S Perpetually growing perpetual grow

    check this trimmer! :peace: _oqUTSju9yI
  20. notoriousb

    Round Three: GHS Trainwreck

    mind if I watch this? :bigjoint: scribed :leaf: