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  1. notoriousb

    God of the Left

    spot on, Rick. I think that the other hollywood elites that came to his defense showed their true colors in refuting the claims of rape and really exposed themselves just to defend this rapist
  2. notoriousb

    Fox News vs - what's the difference?

    you libs just don't get it. I'm done in this thread. arguing with you guys is like competing in the special olympics, even if you win, youre still a braindead lib
  3. notoriousb

    Fox News vs - what's the difference?

    K, well he used to be an alcoholic and is fully recovered, and why would his past marriage be relevant now? He breaks stories of govt corruption that you would never hear about from the state run media(MSNBC, ABC, CNBC, CNN). why do you think the White House sees FOX as such a threat? because...
  4. notoriousb

    On Keith Olbermann ...

    haha that was my favorite part too. she is a good lynguist :blsmoke: funny tho cuz I was wathcing Olbermann as I opened this thread but Kieth is a clear example of why MSNBC and all the other networks' ratings are tanking under FOX. Americans know the difference between real unbiased news vs...
  5. notoriousb

    Liberals VS conservatives

    Lol, I'm not even going to dignify another response to you after this last response, Wordz. you come with no substance to the debate/dialogue taking place in this thread. do some research and maybe become somewhat of an informed individual, then maybe we can all talk like big kids. :peace: :leaf:
  6. notoriousb

    Liberals VS conservatives

    Thanks man. Funny your name is Jeff, since that's my dad's name and he's the one I discuss politics with most. Sorry to hear that you dont get much time with her man. Just gotta hope that she doesnt get sucked into that deceptive liberal mindset. In my high school years, I was much more liberal...
  7. notoriousb

    Liberals VS conservatives

    lol you don't have one good argument. what proof do you have that Obama's fixing the economy? and what proof do you have that his healthcare will help the economy? you sir, gobble up everything MSNBC or whatever network you watch in the little bubble they've created for you. If they don't...
  8. notoriousb

    O'reilly on Medical Marijuana with Libertarian John Stossel

    agreed. O'Reilly only has his mind set and everything he says has to always be right. I didnt like how he kept clumping pot with all the other drugs. and he clearly has no educated knowlege of medical mj. I did like when he said that he thinks it should be decriminalized at the end. I watch his...
  9. notoriousb

    Liberals VS conservatives

    LOLOLOL, STFU! you have no idea what you're talking about. lol all that ill-informed bullshit you just said reminded me of this and how you're doing the same thing, but with politics- pAs6TDLuKgQ
  10. notoriousb

    Fox News vs - what's the difference?

    lol you're referring to me as a "neo-fascist rightwinger?" Do you know what the Nazi party stood for? Nationalist Socialist Party. Does any of those terms ring a bell with today's current administration?
  11. notoriousb

    Fox News vs - what's the difference?

    Lol k, I'll give you the Hannity one, but those Beck one's are pretty irrelevant. Beck has exposed more corruption in the federal govt than any other newscaster on air today. and who gives a fuck about The View? some female celebrities who's views and opinions matter why? because of America's...
  12. notoriousb

    Liberty, Opportunity, Prosperity, Hope

    I 2nd that :blsmoke:
  13. notoriousb

    Americans Are Beginning to Understand the Left

    are you being a smartass or are you really that ig'nant... ? :neutral:
  14. notoriousb

    Liberals VS conservatives

    Thank you sir ;-) I'm just fed up with my generation(I'm 20) not knowing the difference. If they really knew the Progressive agenda, pretty sure most of this generation would do a complete 180 in ideals from where the govt's steering this country today. They never teach you these issues in...
  15. notoriousb

    A Simple Question for Obama

    Fixed. then the govt can fire and replace CEO's and then run those institutions how the govt sees fit.
  16. notoriousb

    Liberals VS conservatives

    True, the real payment is going to come from the generations to come, but still, there is already this redistribution of wealth of govt taking the individuals earnings through taxes and then redistributing it to others that they feel are oppressed by the white man and the capitalistic system...
  17. notoriousb

    Americans Are Beginning to Understand the Left

    The US has quite a few more enemies than all of those other countries you listed combined so it's a very real possibility that we could become a 3rd world country. && all the damage that this govt's doing is intentional. it's more than evident that they want to knock the US off top
  18. notoriousb

    Liberals VS conservatives

    and where govt welface comes from, and who had to actually work to pay those taxes so they could get that welfare.
  19. notoriousb

    Fox News vs - what's the difference?

    Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity speak with cold hard facts. They show video and/or record quotes giving proof of what this current administration's real agenda is. There's no arguing with facts and quotes
  20. notoriousb

    Americans Are Beginning to Understand the Left

    LOL, you are such a nub! did you know that the deficit under this current administration is more than any other administration combined??? this current administration is just destroying the dollar. we're monetizing our own debt! do you even know what means?? the money presses don't stop, and...