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  1. RandyRocket

    custom cars. any classics?

    i like all those bugs. i rated all your threadrs 5 stars so you should go up a level or two.
  2. RandyRocket

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    Thank you, and i know you read every word. you +rep and rated the thread. then read someone wlses jourinal. oh i mot spell cheking a damn thing for you. oh and RandyRocket has a capital R in Rocket bettet yoryu spell check cought that ? yes i do and thank you for reading the billion times...
  3. RandyRocket

    highest yield from pot size

    Plants #'s: Strain = Strawberry Jam 1-01 23.0g 1-02 23.2g 1-03 26.5g 1-04 28.3g 1-05 7.2g finish and smoked :roll: bongsmilie 1-06 27.2g Strain = DonkeyDick 3-01 42.8g 3-02 23.1g 3-03 35.3g 3-04 36.6g 3-05 28.6g 3-06 26.8g 3-07 21.3g 3-08 42.1g 3-09 6.9g taste samples of 2.3g totol this grow...
  4. RandyRocket

    Can A Guy Really Suck His Own....? Pic

    If I could do that MrsRocket would have to put me in a straight jacket, I'd have no reason to leave home. Would my mother say "Stop that or you will go blind"?
  5. RandyRocket

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    oh the plant also look great. the next time you trans plant (if you even do it growing this way) try and burry a much of the stock below the first set of leaves a you can. this will make the plant an inch or so shorter and stronger base. other stuff also but i'm to stoned to make a list for a...
  6. RandyRocket

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    wow, this is so cool. this well make my next grow so much easer. no more 4x per day waters. just set it on auto and walk away until a water change.
  7. RandyRocket

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    nice, i like the 12/12 from rooted clones they get nice and plump.
  8. RandyRocket

    The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls

    Just checking in I'm at the new place, it just like livig in a hotel. But it's what MrsRocket needs. We've got lot's and now I can't smoke. I went out at lunch Friday to sign the lease came back to work to a pink slip at the end of the day. But it could be worse I'll get a job fast. damn...
  9. RandyRocket

    Having my plants in my roof is a good idea??

    the sun is the best free light in the wourld. can you build a green house?
  10. RandyRocket

    12/12 from seed questions ??

    there is a 12/12 from seed group yhey are in every stage of growth. all from seed and on a diet of 12/12 only also click my last grow below.
  11. RandyRocket

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    Two local grower clam thats what they grow and I got my seeds from them. The DonkeyDick cam from a guy that is truthfiul. The Strawberry Jam I got second hand from a dealer whos (brother/cousion?) grows every thing he sell (so he said) and passed me some seeds. both strain are local home...
  12. RandyRocket

    Best use of 3'6"x3'6" space?

    and upto 4 weeks before some were in 16oz beer cups.
  13. RandyRocket

    >sexing questiong<<<<

    this may help
  14. RandyRocket

    Virgin seeking experienced hand...

    yes a cat can be a hand full and i have two.
  15. RandyRocket

    This heat is f#@king me up!! what can I do?

    if you do it it's a whole new level of risk and secerity. so do all the homework first. tell no one but you wife. add a few extras (good filter ....) ond it like any other grow. my next one well be in a highrise. whole new level. we may not grow there?
  16. RandyRocket

    This heat is f#@king me up!! what can I do?

    no that about all you need. and be smart. have no smell. pick a good place. most of us have to live in an apartment. i'd love a house. there are risks. but it's a risk just to get up some days. be a nise neighbor and do supply lines after dark. i work second shift so this helps...
  17. RandyRocket

    This heat is f#@king me up!! what can I do?

    That's one of those no one can tell and the ones that will twll you say the other is wronge for x. I just would say a mess up here and there does little or no dammage (everyday is a diff story) so do what fitsyou life best it all come out the same (you have dope you grew) and after a few grows...
  18. RandyRocket

    This heat is f#@king me up!! what can I do?

    I did it in mid flower of my last grow, 15 girls on 12/12 from seed. I got just under a pound.
  19. RandyRocket

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    This was my last grow it started as a test at the end of my grow season. (I have dyslexia so it's weard in spot but it has a compleat 12/12 from seed grow.)...
  20. RandyRocket

    So if I do 12/12 from seed...

    Well 12/12 from seed? ok give me a minute to thimk this one out you may like it.