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  1. G

    New York State DEC

    they will take that into consideration, this is just what they want, a solid tax payer paying a bit more to the state it gets my blood boiling to talk about it, there is no pretense that MJ is any danger to anyone it's more of 'well, thats the law', which the corrupt bureaucracy keeps in place...
  2. G

    New York State DEC

    i knew there was some snitch involved, snitch isn't probably the right word and the lawyer part is what you will need, don't want to show up at the court like a lamb to the slaughter but have hope too, NY is not in the mood for MJ/jail time, it's about the money worst case, i think you get...
  3. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    glad for the new subscriber's, now just need another good grow 1 week of flower, another interesting pheno here no sex signs, that's probably good, more likely femme the leaf shape had me thinking sativa influences but it has some crazy indica traits going on height about 7 inches, width around...
  4. G

    New York State DEC

    the 15 miles was a bitch, i understand the choice to some extent NY is a funny place, the upstate area(anywhere outside of NY/Long Island) can be surprisingly tolerant of small grows and this is a small grow, kind of surprised of the amount of resources were put into it usually, it's just a yank...
  5. G

    One lone seed

    looks like quite a bit of indica in there and 400w of light, you should get a nice haul(assuming it's femme of course)
  6. G

    New York State DEC

    read through the thread, sorry for your bad day i live in NY myself, so have some idea of the 'process' all things considered, you may be in good shape, not that it is a sure thing depends on the local DA/Judge and other members of the whore's circle who rape people like yourself legally this is...
  7. G

    Controlled seed production?

    i do this pretty much as you describe you don't need much pollen, just a little trick is to freeze dry pollen(you can search how to do this), freeze dried pollen keeps a long time then use a small paint brush, to dip a tiny bit of pollen, than paint a bud if done well, no more than 10 seeds(for...
  8. G

    What do you think of ordering seeds?

    i went through the same stuff, seed ordering is something you need to work yourself up to do a warrant being issued for an intercepted seed order seems to be unheard of what could happen(and the odds seem to be very long) is there is some follow up from the law to the ship address but they will...
  9. G

    north carolina info

    seeds are illegal, any part of the plant is illegal, and that includes seeds now getting major legal grief for a few seeds? probably not, NC seems like it might change its MJ laws sometime soon(maybe) seeds not a problem, growing a plant is the risk
  10. G

    Lst question

    when i've lst'd, it was even smaller but maybe not so strong a bend, more like a 70 degree bend you should be good, but a pic won't hurt
  11. G

    A few questions before I try to grow.

    so far, i've only used 2700k cfl's that seems to work very nice, though i did get carried away with using the same set of cfl's for 2 years they had begun to run out of gas, hard to tell from the eye but yields began to suffer i'm not really up on the t5's if that's what you're planning on...
  12. G

    A few questions before I try to grow.

    can't give you experience on t5's, but that should be a good temp i use 5500k cfl's(nvision from home depot) - excellent veg growth from low wattage 6500k might make for more veg growth, but i've found veg to be easy flowering lights is what will make or break the grow
  13. G

    Hermies are bad........or are they?

    i asked this same question, found a lot of different answers i asked because i had a hermie that really puked pollen over itself and ended up heavily seeded wasn't bad weed, but the seeds cut your yields i tried 1 seed, a fine un-hermied female was the result, no trace of maleness worked well...
  14. G

    A few questions before I try to grow.

    it could, depends on some preferences i like fluoro tech because it feels safer to me the 400 watt hps is typically recommended for a 3 x 3 foot space
  15. G

    A few questions before I try to grow.

    even better, that could work out pretty nicely
  16. G

    A few questions before I try to grow.

    i've built something similar, though haven't used it(still playing with cfl's) sounds like you'll be doing some side lighting in addition to top lighting might be a little low on the watts/intensity, but the technique can change results
  17. G

    crossing marijuanna with another plant species.????

    there seems to be no limit of federal stupidity with this molecule/plant they have better things to do now, but MJ must be destroyed! this is a conceivable project if you're some bioengineering genius but i think we will have legal MJ by that point, or a much reduced federal priority
  18. G

    CA ballot Initiative that would Tax Marijuana like Wine

    i have watched the feedback on the 'other' site(ic), and there doesn't seem to be too much to complain about but you can see a few are complaining, count on the trolls to come out if this gets on the ballot mostly about big pharma taking control
  19. G

    crossing marijuanna with another plant species.????

    this topic gets recycled from time to time, it's an interesting idea but THC is a controlled substance, if it's in a plant(naturally or not), it's illegal unless you are a pharmaceutical company and you call it marinol so for stealth it would be a breakthrough for a while, then when it becomes...
  20. G

    high grade(i that is the handle he goes by) he's been around a while, see mostly positive experiences on here, but he is not as well known as some of the other big names