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  1. G

    Can you store pollen?

    that might work even better, i like the paper as it keeps a small amount of pollen in a visible spot i only make a about a dozen seeds in a run, so the pollen on paper works well with the paintbrush method EDIT: i may have miscommunicated a bit, i use both rice and paper in the bottle - the...
  2. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    thanks for the drop by, this grow is getting better, mostly from getting some confidence it won't be a hermie nightmare a lot of seeds like these get tossed, i don't know what the 'real' chances of seeds like these going herm, but i can say it's not 100%, there may be some good phenos in the...
  3. G

    Can you store pollen?

    the key to pollen preservation is dryness first, and cold second this is a method i read about, and seems to work very well drop fresh pollen on a piece of paper, paper should porous, not glossy put the paper/pollen in an airtight container which has uncooked rice, a natural dessicant leave...
  4. G

    A Fool and a Hermie Seed

    7 1/2 weeks of flower - still a straight female as far as i can see i'm thinking about 2 more weeks of flower, almost there yield will probably just about a zip, that's my comfort zone for my non mmj state
  5. G

    using "mistake" seeds

    funny you should consider this, i had the same situation, a brainwreck hermied(bad hermie at that) and pollinated itself was feeling pretty screwed, but did have a bunch of seeds, and the bud was pretty good, quantity was low so after 7 1/2 weeks of flower of one of the seeds, no rooster blooms...
  6. G

    Prepaid credit cards. Do they REALLY provide any anonymity?

    i have seen some conflicting stories, there is another thread around here that describes the use of the nfinanse card, spelling may be a bit off on that anyways, this one comes from dollar general, and is activated at purchase, or at least this is what i read on the thread but the OP here sounds...
  7. G

    Masculized seeds for breeding?

    i understand the reasoning, but apparently the male/female traits are not mirror images of each other pistils on a male plant are supposed to be sterile in general, though there seem be some exceptions i don't have any experience in pollinating a male, this is just what i've read
  8. G

    Masculized seeds for breeding?

    according to dj short, this happens with male herms that are also fertile, i.e. you get a male plant that sets seeds but it is supposed to be very rare, or so i have read males with herm traits aren't so rare, i've had a few of those, and i haven't grown that many plants one male herm was...
  9. G

    How to treat Nirvana's PPP?

    i found PPP pretty well behaved, surprised with your experience my soil/nutes were organic, not really hot, so that might be a difference was a very strong producer, very compact
  10. G

    cuttings directly into soil cups. help?

    good way to start, it will give you a feel for cloning and being in flower will delay things, i haven't used a flowering cutting yet, just from plants in veg but to your question. just put a branch in soil? that's about it - just need to cut at the right point - 3 nodes seems to work pretty...
  11. G

    cuttings directly into soil cups. help?

    the trick with clones(over what you have done) is patience that and not putting clones too close to the light, clones don't need much light the yellowing you're seeing is probably light poisoning - there is no root system and the cutting is cannibalizing itself for nutrients i put cutting...
  12. G

    LIghting Help... walmart grow lights.

    i'd say they're about the same, i haven't noticed difference between the 2
  13. G

    LIghting Help... walmart grow lights.

    probably varies by location a bit, but they are real cheap i bought a 6 pack for a smidgen over $12 about 2 years ago, been using them ever since though it is time for some fresh bulbs
  14. G

    Help please asap

    the only thing you can do now is mist with water, that will cause the pollen to die quickly but the damage may have been done, sounds grim, best of luck, sometimes hermie blooms are sterile(my hermie blooms weren't sterile)
  15. G

    Dutch Passion Blueberry + DNA Genetics Sour Creme + freebies Let's Go

    you had me worried on the branch break, but this is nothing, you won't be able to notice the loss, other bud sites will grow a bit extra your plant is over sized for your light, but no problem if some of the side buds are not so large, there will be plenty of big ones from the center
  16. G


    it is pig - i like this because it recycles what would otherwise be a waste product i probably spend about 20 cents for 1 plant's nutes for a grow, if that much
  17. G


    there's foul and really foul, i know what you mean it is better described as an unpleasant, funky odor but i have left it inadvertently un-aerated for a few days, and that is true foulness, that was anaerobic i have had nothing but good results with this tea
  18. G


    i don't if this is the best, but it has worked well for me, very cost effective MG Organic bone meal(6-9-0) and molasses into 2 quarts of water, 1 tsp bone meal and 1 tsp molasses, keep well aerated, brew for 3 weeks(or longer) i use nothing else for feeding, but it does smell rather foul
  19. G

    LIghting Help... walmart grow lights.

    i use cfl's from walmart for flowering, the 2700k(soft) GE 26w that are around $2 a bulb they work just fine
  20. G

    Two qestions for the pros to answer:

    that is a rough deal, really, you have my sympathy the genetics of this wonderful but sometimes frustrating plant have their twists and turns i have seen other results like yours with tons of males, but the odds of this happening with a 50% chance of male/female should be tiny when something...