How to treat Nirvana's PPP?


Well-Known Member
I have wonder woman plants (which is an unbelieveably tolerant, voracious, and awesome strain) alongside a couple PPP's. Feeding them the same, I burnt the sheeeeott out of the PPP's. Savagely. They're not going to produce much of anything even though I figured it out pretty quick. Whereas the wonder woman plants are thriving.

Apart from gentle nutes, anybody have any tips on this strain? I'm about sick of this sensitive slow grower. It's slower to germ, slower from clones, and never does catch up. Am supercropping all the other plants in order to accomodate.

Is there anything redeeming about this plant?


Well-Known Member
i found PPP pretty well behaved, surprised with your experience
my soil/nutes were organic, not really hot, so that might be a difference
was a very strong producer, very compact