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  1. smokeybandit22

    Dutchmasters Reverse,a study of hermie's.

    update on plant that is female but always spits out 30-40 balls during it's first 3 weeks of flower- I did spray this one 3 days into flowering-albeit-stupid me diluted the reverse- Plucked off the usual 30-40 sacs that I am accustom to. today, many many more sacs, this time not at the internode...
  2. smokeybandit22

    dutch master reverse?

    we have a huge thread going on this and studying the effects
  3. smokeybandit22

    help--2nd day of flowering--brown and yellowspots!

    i gotta mention that u will def have problems when u flower without ph tester. u can get a way with alot during veg but during flower, no way, especially in hydro. good chance ur crop will fail without properly phing ur water and monitoring it. everyone will tell u that. u may be able to get...
  4. smokeybandit22

    need basic help with herms.

    if u still have plants going, shut down the lights and cirulation and spray the all real good with water to nuetralize any pollen. Welcome to Hermie Heaven. Ur smoke should be just as good since they seeds are so immature. I have found full grown brown seeds at 4 weeks of flowering, so...
  5. smokeybandit22

    Nutrient solutions

    floraseries? bloom, grow and micro?
  6. smokeybandit22

    yellowing fan leaves? burns? normal? help!!!

    1st rule of thumb-after flushing u need to resume normal feeding. they are starved-prob now too by overwatering. those are P deficiencies coupled with N, maybe P and mg as well. 6 week sin on an indica- u prob got 2-3 to go so those fans are just doing their job-it is when it spreads to the...
  7. smokeybandit22

    help--2nd day of flowering--brown and yellowspots!

    right, sorry. Thats works. southern- they look good- I dont see any chlorosis. those tubes are fine for veg as long as they dont get over like 20" high. save the hps for flowering. what r u using to measure the ph?
  8. smokeybandit22

    Male/Female can u help me figure this out its killing me?

    here is that link to thread roseman created:
  9. smokeybandit22

    help--2nd day of flowering--brown and yellowspots!

    crude def: lack of light, leaf not able to make chlorophyl, leaves yellow
  10. smokeybandit22

    Is this sign of impending plant problems? (Pics included)

    if u can raise that humidity a tad-some wet rags in a bowl-try not to exceed 50 while flowering
  11. smokeybandit22

    Root temps b4 nute lockup?? Anyone know??

    I think Seaman's got ur number
  12. smokeybandit22

    help--2nd day of flowering--brown and yellowspots!

    looks like a phat indica. they look good and healthy. if u r using CFL's. u probably will get some chlorosis in those lower leaves.
  13. smokeybandit22

    PROBLEM??!! PICTURES....... Not sure?

    pretty much all us hould do at this point. should point out that if these leaves in the pics r new growth, usually they will flatten out over a day or two
  14. smokeybandit22

    Flowering and pulled male too late???

    not always the case but yes. sometimes they dont retract. but seed productio is very fast and u should see em in a week or two-they will bust open and split the calyx. let em go as borwn as possible and than let them dry out for a few days before storing if u r gonna use em. germ rate is very...
  15. smokeybandit22

    What's Happening?

    THANK YOU spiked1
  16. smokeybandit22

    Flowering and pulled male too late???

    my bad, u said pods, I thought male flowers. Yeah of course a male can get a female preggie. Usually you will see the pistols kind of turn brown and retract into the calyz. The little white things-pre seeds as u called them- are actually ovaries. every calyx has them
  17. smokeybandit22

    Leaf hiding?

    do u mean curling? or twisitng? curling is usually high fert levels. twisiing is usually the opposite
  18. smokeybandit22

    Is this sign of impending plant problems? (Pics included)

    I liked it the way u had it-u were right. It was me who overreacted. So you find this syptom he has is linked directly to MG? makes sense. Mg is wierd. It shows it deficiencies with probably 4 or 5 sypmtoms. I have never seen it act this way without much more pronounced other signs. Maybe this...