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  1. nowstopwhining

    Send a letter to the President in under a minute *please*

    Where did you get this idea that I said he was gonna answer....a secretary will answer, she will isten, then add a little tally mark to a list of people who called on the topic, then the president will go over the list and find what issues are of a higher priority.
  2. nowstopwhining

    Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

    wow guys fighting with me on this are really being ignorant.
  3. nowstopwhining

    Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

    ITs not his personal number its his office or whatever,I never claimed it was his PERSONAL phone number
  4. nowstopwhining

    Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

    well the phone number is posted on NORML and many other sites related to marijuana issues. Im sure plenty of people have called it.
  5. nowstopwhining

    Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

    You really think they have the man power, resources, and funding to raid even one single person who made a phone call to the president asking for the feds to show medical marijuana users compassion? Let alone all the people that actually are calling him on the issue.
  6. nowstopwhining

    Send a letter to the President in under a minute *please*

    You do realize its part of his job to listen to us....besides he is a respectful and compassionate man. In other words yes he WILL listen. Why are you fighting against me on this?
  7. nowstopwhining

    Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

    thank you, exactly :leaf::clap:
  8. nowstopwhining

    Send a letter to the President in under a minute *please*

    Please guys stop turning this into a joke if you dont mind. I really want change. I really want to stop living in fear of losing the license's I have earned in emergency medicine and all of my assets. I want critically ill, and dying med patients to able to choose their own medicine without...
  9. nowstopwhining

    Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

    Thats ridiculous people call the president all the time. Does everyone who calls him about an issue get raided? Besides he is AGAINST raids on marijuana patients and he wants federal resources diverted elsewhere so why would he raid my house for calling him. Are you forgetting Obama is our...
  10. nowstopwhining

    Send a letter to the President in under a minute *please*

    ive also got his phone nubmer right here give him a call and see what he says we can do to help our cause. Barack Obama (202) 224-2854
  11. nowstopwhining

    Barrack Obamas Phone number *no joke* call him about federal raids

    well heres his number, LEt him know how you feel about medical marijuana patients having there medicine stolen from them. Barack Obama...
  12. nowstopwhining

    Send a letter to the President in under a minute *please*

    bump Come on guys and girls, do you really not mind living in fear everyday as a grower? We really can stop raids!
  13. nowstopwhining

    Send a letter to the President in under a minute *please*

    It only takes a couple seconds of your time, the letter is pre written, if you want you can personalize it some like I did. I think if everyone on this forum or even a few of us sent a letter it would bump this issue up on his priority list. Dont be stupid and lame, show some compassion and...
  14. nowstopwhining

    Thundercat's Groooooooow

    Sucks about the soil you bought. Are you sure its straight compost or maybe its a mix. Anyways man I really recommend getting some pro-mix I love the stuff and would never grow in anything else.
  15. nowstopwhining

    DP Brainstorm in ma new grow box 3.0

    IT looks man, how big is the screen. Anyways only thing I can recommend is trimming off some of that growth underneath the screen it looks a little dense down there, Good luck man, looks like your doing good so far bro.
  16. nowstopwhining

    4x4 600W SCROG 3rd wk flower

    hey guys! IM ALLLIIIVE I got a new to come. Im gonna check out your grows right now, later dudes
  17. nowstopwhining

    32 new babies hit the dirt.

    Are you talking to me flojo?
  18. nowstopwhining

    32 new babies hit the dirt.

    I was able to do 20 full plants under a single 600w. I got about a pound of dense bud. I think your underestimating the power of your 1000 watters a little bit, the light can definitely penetrate a foot or two of buds and foilage. I know it does with my grows and like I said the bud grows about...
  19. nowstopwhining

    32 new babies hit the dirt.

    I dunno man maybe im just stned and drunk hahaha but they dont seem to be producing much for 30 something days into flower. It looked like yo ustripped a lot of nodes and potential bud sites off the plants. When I lollipop I only take like the bottom 30% off, It seems like you left only about...