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  1. JonnyBlunt88

    Seeds In: Northern Light X Big Bud

    Its out of control in there, like my room. I like to use every last inch I have for my plants. Nice buddage you got going there.
  2. JonnyBlunt88

    Home-made hash help

    I threw the shit in the freezer, does it matter that its not ALL dry. What does the freezer do to it.
  3. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    Im guessing your reffering to my new bud shots I promised. They came out like shit because I couldnt see what I was doing, O and I was pretty stoned. Ill try again tonight when they wake up. Ill try not to be so high this time so I can steady my damn camera.
  4. JonnyBlunt88

    Home-made hash help

    Thanks dude, Ill take your advice and do some trial and error. Whatever I get will be posted soon. My leaves are not completely dry, so can I just throw them in there with the iso and expect anything good? What about ice, is it necessary with the iso?
  5. JonnyBlunt88

    Home-made hash help

    Well I read the home-made hash threads in FAQ, but they are a little outdated. This is my first attempt, and if it comes out shitty, no bid deal. I have everything I need, hopefully. I have debated on whether to go with water and ice, or use the isopropyl alchohol. Thats my biggest question...
  6. JonnyBlunt88

    The HK Journey

    Damn nice pics Toke, your girls are looking ever so happy. Your right about the humidity, but I assume it normally stays pretty low. Other than that, fuck yeah.:blsmoke:
  7. JonnyBlunt88

    2nd grow

    cover em up, got some pics?
  8. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    Hey skunk, thanks for clearing that up. They have all rooted well, so I have decided to leave them alone. You bring up a good point about faster growth, and for that reason I am not going to prune them just yet. I want to keep there growth to a minimum for now because I dont want them to...
  9. JonnyBlunt88

    My newbie grow journal :P

    Indoor grow is where its at bro, no outside variables to crush your dreams.
  10. JonnyBlunt88

    water culture question

    IDK bro, it might me too small. Need pics to tell for sure whether or not he will be able to customize it for growing.
  11. JonnyBlunt88

    water culture question

    Does it look anything like this.
  12. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    Thanks saine. This BB smells so damn good, I cant wait either. Ill keep an eye on your girls.
  13. JonnyBlunt88

    35 days into 12/12 (BUD PICS)

    Good stuff, what strain is it. Got to be a quick finisher with the buddage you got going there.
  14. JonnyBlunt88

    cloaning question

    Never tried that, sounds risky to me. If it worked for you though sounds good. For the sake of this grow and the equipment he has, I have to recommend keeping it covered and humid. Thats what I meant when I said they wilted over. Not humid enough.
  15. JonnyBlunt88

    cloaning question

    Ive never let them dry out too much, so your probably right. I just know from exp. that if you think their ready to be uncovered, you better be sure. I thought the dome was ready to come off. They were perky and had roots coming out the bottom, so I took it off. 30 min. later they looked...
  16. JonnyBlunt88

    cloaning question

    I didnt do that, but in there first few days I checked on them venting a couple times a day. Keep them very humid for the first few days, and after a few days vent even more. Progressively vent more as days go by. You will know if your keeping them humid enough because they will wilt over.
  17. JonnyBlunt88


    With only half, the heat from my heatpad influences the roots better than leaving them whole. It works better for faster rooting. Once they go throught that, you can see in my second pic that I put the other half in there, and put them in baskets.
  18. JonnyBlunt88

    cloaning question

    I dont have as much rep as these dudes, but Im going to comment anyway. I cant tell if you have a cover, but thats important at this stage. Cover them and they will perk right up after a few hours. Ive never overwatered new clones, but I would only flood them with about a 1/2 inch or so of...
  19. JonnyBlunt88

    8x Bluewidow

    You get much love brother, damn nice plants.:joint:
  20. JonnyBlunt88

    Look who wandered into my grow room.....

    A mantis with muchies, now Ive heard of everything. I could see this thread going forever.