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  1. JonnyBlunt88

    Narpal Round 2 Done Right

    Nice dude, I wish I could put holes in my apartment walls. That wouldnt sit well with the manager though. How much space you got in there.
  2. JonnyBlunt88

    Seeds In: Northern Light X Big Bud

    Do it or else.:twisted: :fire: :finger: Just kidding about that last one.
  3. JonnyBlunt88


    I can tell your looking for a simple answer. This is how I do it and my success rate is 100% so far. I used a sterilized razor blade to cut the bottom branches from my best 3 girls. I Cut them at a 45 degree angle near the base, then slit about a half inch down each for better rooting. I...
  4. JonnyBlunt88

    The Sidewaze Daze!

    Hey mexi, some of your LST methods are really inspiring. Im def. going to refer back here when I start bending my clones. You gotta any new pics of your other girls. They got to be bushy as hell by now.:weed:
  5. JonnyBlunt88

    So there I was...

    Thats a shame, I can barely make em out. I would hate to get rid of that tub, maybe you could grow around it. It looks like your deck could support some plants, and if you have plenty of vertical space it could work. When they grow up, you could just lay back with your girls around you. Like...
  6. JonnyBlunt88

    1 week left of flowering - Shade Leaves

    Its a little off topic, but could you disclose the name of this site. Ive been looking around for other good ones, and have yet to find any worthy of bearing my pictures.
  7. JonnyBlunt88

    Brand new setup...

    Sarcasm just doesnt have the same effect in text as in speech.
  8. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    When I started flowering, they were small so I decided not too prune to much. They grew so fast, and I think Ive missed my chance already. I have been taking leaves a few at a time, but wont taking off bottom branches at this point hinder bud growth?
  9. JonnyBlunt88

    400W HPS - first grow - very proud of my babies

    hey johnny, some of my leaves are much worse. Ive decided I cant do anything about it so Im focused on the buds. You got any new bud shots, were racing remember. Myne are starting to fill in. I put up some new pics if you wanna check em out. Hey hows that fly problem coming along. Keeping...
  10. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    Im going to use photobucket from now on. Its much better. Clones at day 24 from cut. My ladies as day 33 now. There starting to fill in. Close-up shots to come...:joint:
  11. JonnyBlunt88

    4th Week Of Flower Pics.

    Great buddage you got going there. I like the setup combining E&B with the individual pots. You dont see that too often. Very nice. Good to see you used flash, really brings out the buds.
  12. JonnyBlunt88

    Opening pandora's box..

    Awesome thread dude. Im surprised more peeps havent commented. Its good to see another literate grower, they are rare. Your clones are looking good, and the buds look tasty. Good shit dude.
  13. JonnyBlunt88

    My Simple Setup

    I was gonna say toke, you guys noticed this was last posted over 3 months ago. Dude probably got busted or something.
  14. JonnyBlunt88

    My White Rhino Plants UpDate !!

    Its all I use, never had a problem. Cheap and efficient.
  15. JonnyBlunt88

    The HK Journey

    Thats the stretching you dont want. Im talking about the stretching that takes place in the first few weeks of flowering. Myne went from 5" to 32" in almost 3 weeks.
  16. JonnyBlunt88

    is weed legal in nova scotia??

    Hey, wasnt that Marc Emery dude trying to start a revolution to legalize it in Canada. I read hes in prison of something. Whats the story with that.
  17. JonnyBlunt88

    The HK Journey

    Hey toke, are they still stretching on you. Dont want them to get to close, I did and Im sure im going to pay for it once harvest comes. Good looking plants.:joint:
  18. JonnyBlunt88

    OK so heres my plan i need advice!!ASAP

    please stop calling it egg n flow. Ebb&Flow works fine. Anyway, good luck with the grow man. Get that cam so we can check em out. O yeah, and when you do, start a journal. No offense but this thread needs to die.
  19. JonnyBlunt88

    Grow: The next generation. Early Misty and Master Kush!

    Congrats on the girls, thats always good news. Despite the yellowing, your girls are lookin happy. Especially that first one, looks like its trying to fly or something. Anyway, you said your shooting for 1LB. I guess anythings possible right. Nice grow. JB
  20. JonnyBlunt88

    The SuperCloset

    That sounds optimistic. My buds are starting to swell though at day 33 now. Ill post some pics tommorow. Damn dude, you smoke a lot of weed. Ill be smoking about the same soon though. Your right about them not knowing. I could probably get about $250 an ounce here and continue as long they...