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  1. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    Alright. Thanks. I'm not all that worried anyways, the plants looking better today. I'm still going to get more lights. Check out this deal...
  2. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    I water when the soil becomes dry up to one inch.
  3. ilovekasey17

    Why is my plant growing so tall and not outward?

    Well, the whole light thing wasn't my fault. I didn't have my car for a few days, and I sent one of my friends to lowes for 3 40w CFLs... They got the 10w thinking they were 40ws because that was there equivalent. I didn't want to be rude seeing as how they did me the favor so I just never...
  4. ilovekasey17

    Why is my plant growing so tall and not outward?

    Okay, I have room for one more light. So, say I go light shopping for one more light to go with what I have, what wattage should I get?
  5. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    Oh I know.. Lol. I know it's a nutrient solution. Lol. I use it as a plant food, I just don't use much of it. Plus, the soil feeds for a while. I'll be getting some fox farms soon. Anyways, back to the question, is the drooping something I should be worried about?
  6. ilovekasey17

    Why is my plant growing so tall and not outward?

    Yeah, but the ones on the side are up high. Just not as high as the one on top...
  7. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    Miracle Grow brand Potting Soil. Feeds plants up to 3 months. Tis only been 2 so far. I water with distilled and until it was stolen... Literatly, stolen... I was feeding it a diluted acid plant food 30-30-30. Just enough to lower my waters ph of 7 down a bit.
  8. ilovekasey17

    Why is my plant growing so tall and not outward?

    3 10w cfls. 6500K. Which is a lot of light for a small grow space like I have for this one plant. I'm getting more as the plant gets larger. I don't understand how this could be the light though...
  9. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    8 weeks... I know. Sad. Also, the soil is still moist. Actually, the soil has been moist for four days, which is about when this all started.
  10. ilovekasey17

    Why is my plant growing so tall and not outward?

    Shit. Forgot to tell you. The light is only like... 1 1/2 inches away. Thing is, the plant grows tall so fast that I have to keep moving it up. It's not the light. I can't figure it out.
  11. ilovekasey17

    Why is my plant growing so tall and not outward?

    It's just not growing outward. I have 7 nodes, and each node has 2 branches. That's it. It's 2 months old. It's growing tall pretty fast, but it's not grow wide. Why?
  12. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    No, I meant too much water. I don't water too often, but maybe I watered too much. Also, my plant isn't young. Just curious, how old do you guys think my plant is?
  13. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    Okay. Will do. Maybe it is the water. I haven''t watered recently though due to the moist soil. However, the oddly moist soil has been moist for a long time. (Longer than usual.) So, I'd say the soil is supersaturated the plant.
  14. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    Well.. Mine have been this way for four days... If anything, they're getting worse.
  15. ilovekasey17

    Is this a burn from the light? PICTURE

    This is a new leaf. I noticed today that it had turned slightly brown at the tip. Do you think it's from the CFL being to close? My fukking fan broke. I have no idea why. It just stopped working. Wont come on no matter what I do. So, as of now, there is no fan.
  16. ilovekasey17

    Droopy leaves. Think it's the lighting? PICS

    Okay, I know people always think that when their leaves droop that it has to do with nutes and it almost never does. I think, or at least hope, mine has to do with where the lights are. I have 3. One on top, and one on each side. Ever since I did this, the lower leave began to droop a lot...
  17. ilovekasey17

    new grower

    If the seeds came from a hermie plant, then chances are they have bad genetics. That's not a garauntee that you'll get hermies, but chances are they turn hermie easily and unless you're a pro at growing, they'll probablt turn hermie. Like I said in the previous post though, if you took a...
  18. ilovekasey17

    new grower

    If you cloned from a female, then chances are you'll get a female. It all depends on genetics. Genetically, the clone is exactly the same as the female plant. So, if you had a good female, and you grow the clone really well (by this I mean don't stress it, especially during flowering) then...
  19. ilovekasey17

    What can you do with the trimmings?

    Haven;t heard it refered as cannibutter. But pot butter is basically... You boil lots of butter, like at least a pound, and when it melts and starts to boil, throw in the marijuana. (As much as you want. Them more you use, the more potent.) ann the you use cheese cloth the filter out the...
  20. ilovekasey17

    new grower

    Hell, if all else fails, get a good insecticide or miticide.