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  1. ilovekasey17

    First time grower would appreciate help- is this an N deficiency?

    If you're refering to the leaves that are rounded off and kind of just stay little and at the bottom all alone, they're called "fan leaves". They don't stick around long. I planted mine about a month ago and my fan leaves have already died off. That's perfectly normal. And honestly, by the...
  2. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    I have one plant. I've been so excited because so far, everything has been going smooth and the plant is quickly growing. For the past 5 days, it's been on an18 hour light schedule. From noon to 6:00 a.m. I had to slowly work the plant into this schedule about 5 days ago because I was apparently...
  3. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    It was perky yesterday. Actually, it was perky this morning before I turned the light on. But, now the leaves look... Sad. The very bottom leaves are the worst. They're the droopiest. And they're getting a little yellow/brown shade. Not much, but it might escalate. Also, the next row of...
  4. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    I have one plant. I've been so excited because so far, everything has been going smooth and the plant is quickly growing. For the past 5 days, it's been on an18 hour light schedule. From noon to 6:00 a.m. I had to slowly work the plant into this schedule about 5 days ago because I was...
  5. ilovekasey17

    where can i find cheaps lights?

    Do what I did. Go to wal mart, go to the bulb isle, and get 2 48inch plant and aquarium tube lights. They're huge, really bright, plants love them, and they're only 5 bucks a piece. They last like 30,000 hours. You'll have to get the system for the lights. They're may be a few that hold two...
  6. ilovekasey17

    What's your favorite strain?

    So, what strain of marijuana is your favorite and why is it your favorite? I'm trying to decide on what type to grow? Also, why is it that you never know why strain you're buying from people? Or is there just a common strain that goes around that everyone buys? If so, what strain is it?
  7. ilovekasey17

    question on 12/ 12 schedule

    Well, i'm new to the whole growing thing, but from what I've learned, you can't give new sprouts only 12 hours of light. They need no less than 18 hours. 20 hours is best, with 4 hours of darkness. During the vegging stage, I suppose you'll have to find a temporary place for your others...
  8. ilovekasey17

    Am I doing everything right so far?

    I've read somewhere on this forum that the plants love unsweetend apple juice with their water. Also, they love molasses. The molasses makes the buds heavy supposedly, but I haven't actually tried the molasses yet. Thanks for your help by the way, I'm going to switch the light/dark schedule...
  9. ilovekasey17

    Am I doing everything right so far?

    I've been attempting at growing for a while, but was unsuccessful. Finally I realized, I've been using the wrong light. I went out and invested in a huge double bulbed fluorescent plant light system. ANd finally, my plant is growing. I've been growing it for about 3 weeks. My plant looks...
  10. ilovekasey17

    What about Acid Plant Food 30-10-10

    I'm new to growing. I have one plant. It's growing pretty nice so far. I'm using potting soil and simply watering it. Every once in a while I'm using my H2O2/H2O mixture to add oxygen to the roots allowing them to absorb more nutrients. I'm still not up to date on what to feed my plants...
  11. ilovekasey17

    Exactly what should I eed my newborns?

    Just planted my seedling with about a 1 cm taproot. What should I feed it? Is it ever to early to give it a water/peroxide mixture? Would it be better to always water it with a water/peroxide mixture or what? Thanks.
  12. ilovekasey17

    What's the point of the use of H2O2 in marijuana growth?

    I'veread ebough to know that it's used, but what is it's function?
  13. ilovekasey17

    DIY HYDRO.DWC= Build ur own.Easiest method of HYDRO simple,inexpensive and easy.

    Instead of 2 8 inch air stones, could you use 4 4" air stones? Also, I'm confused on the process of actually planting the seeds. I'm new to this, btw.
  14. ilovekasey17

    How should I grow my marijuana?

    I've tried and failed over and over again in the past. I can get free seeds left and right, so I continue to try, but they grow taller... taller... taller... Limp over, and die. ]]: So, I've got two seeds. Soaked them in water for 24 hours until they sank. Now it's time to plant them. All...