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  1. ilovekasey17

    What plant food ratio is reccomended for Marijuana?

    Okay, I'll try using the 30-30-30 for a while. I wasn't sure because I heard 30-15-15 was more appropriate for veg. And about 15-30-30 for flowering.
  2. ilovekasey17

    Where do I get 20-10-10?

    How about Maxi Grow? I grow in soil...
  3. ilovekasey17

    Where do I get 20-10-10?

    Or 30-15-15? Either one. I've been looking for 3 hours. Can someone point me in the right direction please? I really need it soon.
  4. ilovekasey17

    What about Monster Bloom?

    I assume by being on this site, it's used for marijuana. Lol. Anyone ever used it? Have any luck with it? Do you only use it during the flowering stage?
  5. ilovekasey17

    When should I start Flowering?

    Okay, I'm thinking of going with the 20-10-10. Then when the flowing begins I'll use a 10-20-20
  6. ilovekasey17

    When should I start Flowering?

    After hearing that, Lol, I have a question that Ive asked once before in another post and got an answer from someone similar to what you guys are explaining. Was no help at all. What I wanted to know was for the vegetation stage, should I go with a 30-15-15 plant food or a 20-10-10? And then...
  7. ilovekasey17

    When should I start Flowering?

    Lol. Thanks. Everyone learns what they know at some point in time... & I have just learned something.
  8. ilovekasey17

    Curling tips?

    For those of you that didn't read my "Dying Plant" thread, I'll try to sum up the past few days. I slowly started my plant into an 18/6 light cycle, since I wasn't doing that before. One morning I had to go to work unexpectedly, and no one was going to be here to turn the light on, so I...
  9. ilovekasey17

    When should I start Flowering?

    What's a node?
  10. ilovekasey17

    How often do they need fed?

    Say I'm using a 20-10-10 or a 30-15-15 plant food for the vegetative stage. How often do you feed them? Everytime you water? Or do you feed them like once every here and there? I'm new to this. Thanks.
  11. ilovekasey17

    When should I start Flowering?

    My plant is about ONE month old. I'm going to start giving it nute A.S.A.P. Check out my last post for pictures. So, anyways, the plant is one month old now, at what estimated time do you think I should start flowering? I'm making a schedule for my plant. Thanks in advance.
  12. ilovekasey17

    What plant food ratio is reccomended for Marijuana?

    I've looked. Of the hundreds of thousands of threads, it's taking forever. And I need nutes now. Can anyone please help me?
  13. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    I'm using two 48" tube plant lights. They give off a blueish/purple light. They seem to work great... Also, I'm confused with the nute thing... People always say to feed them. I've spent many amounts of time trying to figure out the nute by searching this forum... Of the hundreds of...
  14. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    In order for me to turn the light on and off without being stuck at work when the light is supposed to go on or off. So, I now have a 18/6 schedule. 6:00 a.m - midnight light on. Midnight to 6:00, light off. I haven't been home yet, but I turned my light on at 6:00 this morning and watered...
  15. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    I'm using a setup containing two 48" tube plant and aquarium lights. They give off a nice bright purple/blue light. They're about 2 inches from the top of the plant.
  16. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    Wow. Thank you, thank you. Very helpful. I'll turn the light off in 2 hours. I'll just set the alarm on my alarm clock to go off at the times at which I need to either turn the light on or off. Also, I'll water it tomorrow as soon as I turn the light back on. I'll keep ya posted on how...
  17. ilovekasey17

    What plant food ratio is reccomended for Marijuana?

    I actually found some 30-30-30, but I doubt that's right. It's an acid plant food. I used a really diluted version of it, it didn't hurt them, but I'm afraid to try it in full. What would you say I should use so I can go buy some? Also, in case marijuana doesn't follow the labeled schedule...
  18. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    She's between 3 & 4 weeks old. Hopefully she's old enough for those leaves to fall off. However, I'm still concerned about the leaves about them. They've become very droopy throughout today. I'm not sure if it's from under-watering or too much light. Should I flip the light out now and...
  19. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    So you think by transplanting them they will grow properly again?
  20. ilovekasey17

    Help. Dying Plant. Everyone!

    Are you referring to the rounded leaves falling off? Because they already have. The ones that are turning yellow are the two right above it. Do they fall out as well? Also, the plant looks slightly large for it's container. Maybe it DOES need a transplant.