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  1. thcheaven

    Best way to deal with a theif.

    I think I need to go to circuit city and buy some kind of Ghetto translator...
  2. thcheaven

    Coolest cell phone?

    Sounds like you work for
  3. thcheaven

    Coolest cell phone?

    Blackberry storm! is the way to go. I've done side by sides and it's quicker, all around. I've had mine since last month and LOVE it. 32gigs of memory, came with 8 gigs for free. How many gigs does an Iphone have??????
  4. thcheaven

    What are these?

    I went back and double checked my plants. Nothing on the plants..... I am also "mostly, 95%" sure that aphids don't have wings....The fourth picture of my first post on this thread, clearly shows wings. I also believe that aphids would be laying their eggs on the plant, not the side of the pots...
  5. thcheaven

    What are these?

    bump one more time..... Anyone?
  6. thcheaven

    Best way to deal with a theif.

    12 gauge! Fuck him.... Thief! MAKE SURE it was him, though!
  7. thcheaven

    What are these?

    They look alot like aphids, but are much smaller than any aphid I've ever seen. Not to mention they aren't on the plants...... Hummm I am so baffled. Looks like I'm buying a couple pyrethrin bombs.........
  8. thcheaven

    What are these?

    I'm in central CA. It's hot as hell in the summer and cold, never much below 30 in the winter, but, we did have snow flurries yesterday. I just checked my flower room, found a few dead or dieing on floor, but NONE on the plants. Could they be soil dwellers??? could the prolonged darkness...
  9. thcheaven

    What are these?

    Ok, here's the eggs and a couple of the bugs, they seem to be light colored, then dark as they get older, and like I said before, some have wings. Seriously, WTF? I can't find them anywhere to ID, and nobody here seems to have seen them before.....Some new alien bug or what!!!!!
  10. thcheaven

    What are these?

    There also seems to be hundreds on tiny tiny white eggs on the sides on the pots that they are coming from. the eggs were not there before the dark period. I will examine all of my flowering plants later when the lights come on.......I'll see if I can get good pix of eggs.....
  11. thcheaven

    What are these?

    Not that I could tell. I never even noticed them till I put them in 24hr darkness. now they are everywhere. most are dead or appear to be dieing..... I really am tripping on these....
  12. thcheaven

    What are these?

    Some have wings... plus I recently treated with floromite....
  13. thcheaven

    What are these?

    Bump,,,,,,, Nobody??????
  14. thcheaven

    What are these?

    A few more pix, maybe these will help....
  15. thcheaven

    What are these?

    Looks kinda like a fly, but it was tiny couple millimeters at most......
  16. thcheaven

    What are these?

    bump...... Anyone?
  17. thcheaven

    What are these?

    I just got done trimming my Bubba Kush plants. I left them in a dark bathroom for 24 hrs. After I was done trimming I removed the drip tray and pots that they were growing in and found my bathroom counter, where I left them for the dark period, covered in 50 or so of these bugs. Some had wings...
  18. thcheaven

    the cops took my phone

    He's in "COLLAGE". LoL
  19. thcheaven

    Any one seen the new McDonalds Commercial yet? Check it out.

    I watched it for 20 seconds. Woke up on the floor covered in drool. I think I have a siezure! OMG that is terrible lol
  20. thcheaven

    the cops took my phone

    Isn't there an age limit on RIU?