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  1. thcheaven

    White widow!!!!!!!!!

    I'll watch
  2. thcheaven

    Just Got Caught Up!!!

    Son, 1st question is.... Are you comfortable with your parents losing their home, becouse you wanna be a BIG BOY and grow pot? YES, the government can and will take the house if you are caught, think about that then come ask us questions, questions that you can find in the grow...
  3. thcheaven


    Right about now, I am glad I moved north. Good luck down there all!
  4. thcheaven

    Score!!!!!!!!! Holy Crap!

    Where are the buckets now? pump? Was there a Tub of any kind, resevior?
  5. thcheaven

    Danger Chart

    Shit! I'm going to U-Haul right now! Gotta move this stuff! Thanks dude.....
  6. thcheaven

    I made a new grow video

    How much would you charge, to take me in next grow season and teach me how to grow GIANTS like those?????
  7. thcheaven


    Ok, So the Bubblegums I got Grew nice fat main colas. "SOG" They are a little bit easy to over feed. I had a small mildew problem, the bubblegums were the first ones to show the mildew. The problem has been fixed, but it seems they are a lil less resistant than y other strains....
  8. thcheaven

    I made a new grow video

    Wow, Awsome vid.
  9. thcheaven

    I made a new grow video

    I'm subscribed......
  10. thcheaven

    Humidity Seems High

    I turn the air over in my flower room every 5 minutes, and i have 2 oscilating fans on either end of canopy. And still the damn mildew.
  11. thcheaven

    Humidity Seems High

    60,70, 80%????? how in the hell do you guys stop mildew and bud rot @ those high flowering humidity levels?? I'm @ 47% and fighting white powdery mildew, de-humidifier arrives today. I don't understand......
  12. thcheaven

    Are you supposed to run aerocloner 24/7?

    Run 24/7 change water every week...........
  13. thcheaven

    Baked and with a question about Hash methods!.

    The term pollen is used as a way to market either the press or the grinder. You can't say Kief, glands, thc, or any other term inside of headshops in most states, at least here in CA you can't. We all know that keif isn't pollen. It's a play on words so they can legaly sell them. Much the way we...
  14. thcheaven


    yep what he said! lol Try an Indica next time.....
  15. thcheaven

    Do you use ez clone or aerocloner?

    room temp is 80' so the water should be close. I've never checked, never had a problem....
  16. thcheaven

    White Indica seeds from ceres seeds

    Killed a bunch......same exact way, olny i used a plate..... Or there is the possibility of the seeds being bad when I recieved them, but I doubt it. My box gets hot, maybe I'll measure to find out how hot...
  17. thcheaven

    Medical Patient Loves Cali

    Welcome and nice job finding such a cool dispensary!
  18. thcheaven

    Do you use ez clone or aerocloner?

    I put the Clonex Clone Solution in mine from the start..... I check my water level everyday and add when needed, every 2 days right now, but my disks are getting a lil old and have shrunk a little bit allowing more evaporation, when they were new I only had to add once a week ore so... I do not...
  19. thcheaven


    Don't Top her! Carefully bend her down... Stake next to main stalk, tie off to that then another pulling from top, over, and down....Be careful amd She will be fine. 7 weeks into flower? I wouldn't cut a leave off..........
  20. thcheaven

    Can i flower a plant outside in LA?

    Harvest @ end of November? What stain are you growing?