Search results

  1. TheDemocrat

    Government Shutdown, Who Gets The Blame?

    30% will blame the repukes and 17% will blame democrats...obama gets no blame because he has no vote in the matter.
  2. TheDemocrat

    Why Do Girlfriends Make It So Hard To Grow Herb?

    the ladies are all about the money and if you get busted you have NO money.....
  3. TheDemocrat

    Fdd2blk Spring Glass Showcase

    I would like a pipe that LOOKS like a seadoo....
  4. TheDemocrat

    Is The Problem With Social Security That We May Have To Cash Out Treasury Notes?

    yes...Al Gore said we should put the surplus in a lock box and everyone made fun of him....
  5. TheDemocrat

    The Dan Kone Thread of Legalizing For Us All.

    where is it legal...?
  6. TheDemocrat

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    trump was born rich and he will die's the american way.
  7. TheDemocrat

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    by normal they mean know, like george bush.
  8. TheDemocrat

    Is The Problem With Social Security That We May Have To Cash Out Treasury Notes?

    Social Security is an investor funded program that has also been used to fund the government, it is NOT an entitlement program nor was it intended to be any form of welfare. The “entitlement” the government speaks of would be more aptly applied to them; they feeling they are...
  9. TheDemocrat

    Is The UK More Racist Than The USA?

    the US is the most racist country in the world...
  10. TheDemocrat

    No, Not All Of Them, Just One

    trump is a fucking idiot....he was born rich and he will die's the american way.
  11. TheDemocrat

    Paul Ryan's "Path to Prosperity"

    paul ryan is a fucking loser.....
  12. TheDemocrat

    The Dan Kone Thread of Legalizing For Us All.

    need to get over will never be legalized.
  13. TheDemocrat

    Budget Show Down. Tea Party Demands Government Shut Down

    tea baggers are a bunch of fucking losers.....
  14. TheDemocrat

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    fuckabee says the constitution should be re written to be more like the bible...praise the lord
  15. TheDemocrat

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    mike fuckabee for president
  16. TheDemocrat

    Re-elect Obama 2012 thread

    obama for president 2012
  17. TheDemocrat

    How To Spot A Conservative?

    It is very predictable for a right winger to quote a hack like Thomas
  18. TheDemocrat

    Wisconsin Revolt

    In these poor economic times if you have a job you should do whatever you have to to keep it. For instance, if your employer says ''lick my balls'', you should lick his balls.
  19. TheDemocrat - Whos the owner?
