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  1. TheDemocrat

    Let's talk Cannabis freedom over Cannabis profits

    there would still be money to be made in the marijuana trade, even if it is an individual thing. just think of the cottage industries that would spring up... indoor lighting nutrients security couldn't just grow in your yard...there will still be lazy theives smoking utensils...
  2. TheDemocrat

    Let's talk Cannabis freedom over Cannabis profits

    the lure of easy money. :)
  3. TheDemocrat

    Why I think Tax Cuts For The Rich Are Good?

    it won't pass in the senate...thanks to harry reid.......... :)
  4. TheDemocrat

    PROFESSOR: Sarah Palin Probably Staged A Gigantic Hoax About Being Trig's Mother

    you mean because obama is the most intelligent president we have ever had? or is it because george bush was so fucking stupid obama just seems intelligent?
  5. TheDemocrat

    Who's Applying for Medical Marijuana Cards in Arizona?

    PHOENIX - For the first time, Arizona residents who think they qualify to receive medical marijuana had the chance to apply for a card Thursday. Will Humble, Director of The Arizona Department of Health Services, said they began processing applications at 8 a.m. and by 8:30 a.m. completed the...
  6. TheDemocrat

    The Obama plan vs. the Ryan plan

    The Tax Policy Center said Ryan’s plan for major tax cuts will decrease tax revenue by $2.9 trillion over the next 10 years. His proposal to make the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy permanent will increase the budget deficit while continuing subsidies for oil companies and agriculture for...
  7. TheDemocrat

    PROFESSOR: Sarah Palin Probably Staged A Gigantic Hoax About Being Trig's Mother

    I know he has shown his bc, I was being facetious.... :hump:
  8. TheDemocrat

    PROFESSOR: Sarah Palin Probably Staged A Gigantic Hoax About Being Trig's Mother

    maybe if obama will show his bc palin will do a dna test...
  9. TheDemocrat

    Hottest RIU Men of 2011

    nuff said...
  10. TheDemocrat

    Vote for Ron Paul-----Great idea

    would he run against his nutty ass son?
  11. TheDemocrat

    More Freedom Loving Lefties On The March

    freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.....
  12. TheDemocrat

    PROFESSOR: Sarah Palin Probably Staged A Gigantic Hoax About Being Trig's Mother
  13. TheDemocrat

    This is PBS

    california and maybe colorado will be the only 2 states that will keep medical marijuana.
  14. TheDemocrat

    Vote for Ron Paul-----Great idea

    the last 2 years of Ronald Reagan administration he had no idea what was going on. even my 80 year old mother says thats too old to be president. besides...Reagan was a horrible president and actor.
  15. TheDemocrat

    Musty smelling bud?

    send it to me and I will check it out for you.........
  16. TheDemocrat

    Is shopping at a HydroShop Risky

    I read an article in the louisville courier journal where 2 cops were watching a hydro store and a guy bought a bunch of lights and hydro stuff. turns out the guy was growing tomatoes.
  17. TheDemocrat

    The 'Official' Do Not Vote For Obama In 2012 - Thread. Don't Want Him Back N Office!

    the reason the new deal worked was because the majority of americans were hurt by the depression. the reason the economy is not getting fixed faster now is because not that many americans were/are hurt by the recession. ford sold 100,000 vehicles last month.
  18. TheDemocrat

    Vote for Ron Paul-----Great idea

    that's exactly what we need, a 77 year old president.
  19. TheDemocrat


    I got busted, so I'm on the 2 year probation thing. cost me $30,000...they snagged my impala ss too...bastards how's the family? how's the little koosh doing?
  20. TheDemocrat

    Poll : Will you vote for legalizing for just the people this time and not business?

    It will NEVER be legalized here for any reason...not even medical. my first day in court after be busted I watched them collect nearly $100,000 in fines for simple possession. that's one 6 hour period in one county on one day....can you imagine what they take in state wide? they are making too...