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  1. TheDemocrat

    Ron Paul is taking back the GOP for Americans

    Ron Paul is senile....
  2. TheDemocrat

    What's Up With Rick Perry?

    my boyfriend is grizzly adams second cousin...
  3. TheDemocrat

    Who is your candidate and why?

    Obama...because I can.
  4. TheDemocrat

    What's Up With Rick Perry?

    my peeka poo would flat out kick a coyotes ass....
  5. TheDemocrat


    maybe it's cause your a trouble maker.... :)
  6. TheDemocrat

    What's Up With Rick Perry?

    Rick Perry says the BP oil spill was an act of god...
  7. TheDemocrat

    What's Up With Rick Perry?

  8. TheDemocrat

    Who thinks Obama should step down or be impeached ?

    you guys are hilarious....
  9. TheDemocrat

    Forum Moderators

    ............ ::)
  10. TheDemocrat


    welcome earthling....don't bend over to pick up the soap....there are some strange fellers here.
  11. TheDemocrat

    Hey Psssst has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private...

    Hey Psssst has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her. If you are trying to send this message to multiple recipients, remove Hey Psssst from the recipient list and send the message again.
  12. TheDemocrat

    The popularity of the Tea Party

    the tea party is so yesterday...losers
  13. TheDemocrat

    what up you sexy thang?

    what up you sexy thang?
  14. TheDemocrat

    More Freedoms Abused by Corrupt Police in Tennessee

    The state of tennessee just took $30,000 from for having 5 marijuana plants.
  15. TheDemocrat

    Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.

    Jerry Seinfeld embroiled in row with Donald Trump Jerry Seinfeld for president. lol
  16. TheDemocrat

    Right on Tennessee

    It's our #1 crop...more than corn and soybeans put together.
  17. TheDemocrat

    Why I think Tax Cuts For The Rich Are Good?

    45% of americans don't pay federal income tax....
  18. TheDemocrat

    Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.

    why is everyone scared of trump...? I saw him this morning being interviewed by george stepanopolisiski and trump would not answer the questions, he keep saying, ''next question'' and ol george acted like he was scared of him....I don't get it.....
  19. TheDemocrat

    Trump Scares The B-Jesus Out Of The Left.

    he doesn't know how to get rich...he was born rich.