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    Auto AK & Bagseed Grow Journal (CFL)

    What's up everyone!? This is my grow journal for; (1) bagseed (1) (fem) Lowlife Auto AK The bagseed was started outdoors and moved inside because it was not receiving enough light. I also have no idea how old it is.(younger than 3 weeks maybe?) When I found it Updated Updated Today-...

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Thanks. Yes we got those "bird killing machines" hahaha And who is that in your avatar, she's so sexy!? ________________________ To the poster above me, nice pic, I like the way the light rays shine though.;-) EDIT: Is that thing starting to bud??

    What is Carabou leez?

    I found this...

    Do you toke and drive? ( Be honest)

    My buddies and I go on country rides all the time. It's nice to smoke a blunt while soaking up the surroundings. SMOKE ON!

    Please ID these ShrOOms

    Yes, Pan Subbs grow just about anywhere(all 50 states and beyond), they are the most wide-spread mushroom. I would like to grow B+, I heard they are relatively easy to grow and produce big mushrooms. Get on that shit!!:mrgreen: Definitely check out your yard again and good luck, report back...

    Please ID these ShrOOms

    Not all psychoactive mushrooms contain psilocybin. I'm 100% positive that he has a mix of Panaeolina Foenisecii (the kind that wont make you trip) and Panaeolus Subbalteatus aka Panaeolus Cinctulus ( the kind that will make you trip) Also not all active mushrooms bruse blue, many do though...

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Mushrooms -Inky Caps Mushroom -Inky Cap BUNNY! -I was about 2 feet away from this guy! Country One of my fishing spots -Not the best pic Enjoy!

    Please ID these ShrOOms

    Hey I suggest taking a spore print. They look like Pan Subbs or Pan Foes. Pan Foes are usually in manured lawns but it is possible to find pan subbs. If the spore print is jet black, really really black i;m pretty sure those are pan subbs. They are not really that strong. I've heard that...

    Super Joints

    Yeah that's the book I was talking about.
  10. SEEDLESSvw

    Super Joints

    If you have a Borders in your area, check out the garden/growing section. I saw a book called origami rolling or something like that. They have some impressive stuff in there like boat joints and plane blunts or joints.
  11. SEEDLESSvw

    Some Photos I Took : )

  12. SEEDLESSvw

    Are Sativas making me a worse smoker?

  13. SEEDLESSvw

    Some Photos I Took : )

    Awesome thread!! Here are some of my pics... ^^^Not a cool pic, but it's raw!
  14. SEEDLESSvw

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    I am using CFL's, (3) 23w 2700K and (3)26w 6500K. She is roughly 4 inches tall and maybe 6 inches wide. Don't be sorry man... PS: Your plants, buds, and yields are all NICE:bigjoint: Is that a Bully in your sig? for the first week i used 18/6 but switched to 20/4.
  15. SEEDLESSvw

    Autoflower pictures thread! All variety's free to post!

    Here is my auto ak, it's a monster!!! :roll: Day 21-Hoping it will live and give me a gram
  16. SEEDLESSvw

    fem-L.L. Auto AK -pics inside, HELP!!

    I am using CFL's (2) 26w 6500K and (4)23w 2700K. It's sad to see these guys in distress! lol Thanks for posting..I will post back later, thanks!
  17. SEEDLESSvw

    fem-L.L. Auto AK (NEED HELP)

    I just noticed that the tip of the first set of true leaves is turning brown!@
  18. SEEDLESSvw

    fem-L.L. Auto AK (NEED HELP)

    Yea I was surprised that it had preflowers too!? Alright thanks for the help, SkatWill! Anyone else have anything for me??
  19. SEEDLESSvw

    fem-L.L. Auto AK -pics inside, HELP!!

    Hey guys! I have some issues... Let me start out by saying the Auto AK is 20 days old, I used soil from my backyard, and I don't have a pH tester. Alright I planted the seed in a cup at first because I didn't have enough soil. Then when I transplanted it (1 week old), I added soil from my...
  20. SEEDLESSvw

    fem-L.L. Auto AK (NEED HELP)

    Hey guys! I have some issues... Let me start out by saying the Auto AK is 20 days old, I used soil from my backyard, and I don't have a pH tester. Alright I planted the seed in a cup at first because I didn't have enough soil. Then when I transplanted it (1 week old), I added soil from my...