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  1. 303

    Am I going to loose her? Bud branch splitting off trunk w fungus in tear crack - PIC

    How did I prove that, how about you prove it? Give me a fucken fact. Factual info not from a weed forum site from 95.. what the fuck. keep buying molasses dumbfuck, i'm done here. I tried to be reasonable and nice, but you are stupid stuck on this. You win, feed your fucken plants with shit.
  2. 303

    So much bad advice, who can give rep

    Jorge Cervantes is the gerorge bush of growing, stupid as fuck quote
  3. 303

    So much bad advice, who can give rep

    Who are you Matt Rize? Calling me a troll first, I said adding to my res (hydro), second milk CAN kill PM, ok yeah like saying lemon juice ph downs water, what a fucken genius. End your life
  4. 303

    Welcome New Members!

    Indeed! Best site on the web!
  5. 303

    Am I going to loose her? Bud branch splitting off trunk w fungus in tear crack - PIC

    Oil?? Read a book homie. So many americans snuffing they're own smug in a cloud of denial. Makes me sick
  6. 303

    Am I going to loose her? Bud branch splitting off trunk w fungus in tear crack - PIC

    Think our government is fucked up?!?!? Pfft.. Stop relying on the magic box in your living room and read a book. I'm sorry, today is a bad day for me, I'm going to bed now sorry to offend anyone, I only mean good to this forum.
  7. 303

    Am I going to loose her? Bud branch splitting off trunk w fungus in tear crack - PIC

    You'd be too if you were a vet and some radical american says things like that on 9/11.
  8. 303

    So much bad advice, who can give rep

    OKay, so you guys suggest me adding molasses in my resivoir to encourage beneficial bacterica? Enlighten me, please... None on the info given this thread gives me any kind of information backing these insane motives. Seriously, can someone break it down? I am open to this, I'll buy molasses...
  9. 303

    Am I going to loose her? Bud branch splitting off trunk w fungus in tear crack - PIC

    Damage has been done, cut the damaged growth, the milk remedy is for PM
  10. 303

    molasses. help me understand

    That's what you think, can you make it rain
  11. 303

    Virgin Grow - RDWC, Why Not?

    HB? I've been looking for you, if not HB ignore this..
  12. 303

    Newbie with a Newb Problem

    LOL.. that's scary man. We're on to you... Come on, you had 3 posts, I was just sayin
  13. 303

    molasses. help me understand

    There you have it, illumin is one of the most respected members to this site, BTW I mean no disrespect to riddlem3 forums for the record, I quit for good reasoning ask that kitty chick what kind of email she sent me.
  14. 303

    Newbie with a Newb Problem

    Bottom line you need more light, I don't think CFL's are efficent unless your running abundant in which is equivalent to a 150 MH, which is like $75 bucks maybe less depending on where you live
  15. 303

    Newbie with a Newb Problem

    Deleted as well. no disrespect
  16. 303

    Newbie with a Newb Problem

    Right on, very sneaky John Doe
  17. 303

    Newbie with a Newb Problem

    Hey John, I'd change the name of your pic you post here. 150 Metal halide lights are less than $100 these days. I'd get one, and you won't have to buy your own smoke.
  18. 303

    molasses. help me understand

    i was recently enlightened by a member who suggests molasses is beneficial to plants in soil. can someone explain or share they're experience. thanks