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  1. Tricks

    Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?

    Wich cups yield the most, thats the one to use. Im on day 33 flower, we should be harvesting close together.
  2. Tricks

    Can I Grow A Pound of Dope in 9 Weeks?

    stunning dude. Your further then i thought you would be. Keep it up and my next grow will be a carpet grow of beercups!!
  3. Tricks

    Help Me

    The more you talk the dumber you sound. He had a PH problem and figured it out, thats it dude. All the shit you talk is not gonna change that. Even the poster prolly thinks your a douche by now. And btw atleast i was spot on with the 5.5PH and no, 5.5 is not good for soil. You can read that...
  4. Tricks

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    Ooops, well...glad you discoverd that. Now set them backup on there regular feeding schedule and make sure your PH is right. They should perk back up in no time.
  5. Tricks

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    FFOF is PH stable untill stuff gets added. If you wanna solve your prob then test your runoff. I bet ya its around 5.5. You use tapwater?
  6. Tricks

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    Yeah, that really makes me think its PH related. It looks like you might be locing out one or two key elements.
  7. Tricks

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    Good, whats your runoff tell you?
  8. Tricks

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    You always PH your water, but yeah check your runoff. What type of soil and nutes?
  9. Tricks

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    Whats your PH, soil and nutes? Thinking its PH related cos its affecting all plants. IMO your PH might be locking up your plant from taking up everything it needs
  10. Tricks

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    I do pretty good growing so dont worry bout that, but if you wanna see some proof just ask. you should learn that not all N deficiencie's look the same. Just cause a problem dont fit your guide doesnt mean it isnt there. Anywayz, i just went thru something simulair, new growth light green or...
  11. Tricks

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    A picture would be nice tho.
  12. Tricks

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    Ive seen all those guides before and by the rate your naming problems your prolly going down the list. Im sticking with needing N. Not being stubborn, just that ive seen that problem before.
  13. Tricks

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    Thats easy, his plant never got any N till a couple days ago. So the plant didnt have any N to take out of the plant thats why his new growth comes out yellow or light green.
  14. Tricks

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    Sounds to me like they need N, its been a week since he transplanted. 10 AK48's getting a 1/4 of a tsp of growbig isnt alot in veg. New growth growing out yellow or light green is another indication of needing N.
  15. Tricks

    can ocean forrest suffocate roots?

    Definitly change your water source if you had better results with that before. It sucks if you dont get the yields, but keep trying. Ive had grows where i got maybe 2oz dry of 6 plants. Im sure we all been there.
  16. Tricks

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    Does the new growth look more white then yellow at the tips ?
  17. Tricks

    can ocean forrest suffocate roots?

    With FFOF i get the best results when i use the FF nutes.
  18. Tricks

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    What soil where you using before transplanting them?
  19. Tricks

    First time grower plz help out

    Its prolly lacking MG, but who knows . Post more info, like your PH, soil and nutes.
  20. Tricks

    I managed to get my 400w hps 12cm from plants, too much?

    I keep my 400 watt hps lights 8-12" above the plants. If my growroom is really full i might keep em higher a bit 12-15", so i have more spread.