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  1. thcheaven

    Does this happen to you too?

    The chemical that is causing your poop to smell like Grape Ape is LSD! your tripping bro! lol
  2. thcheaven

    AK47 Automatic

    The warming pot would be used while outside, not in warm house......
  3. thcheaven

    AK47 Automatic

    Daytime sun with a 600w HPS to cover the 18 hrs? Ya, you should be fine.
  4. thcheaven

    24hrs or 18/6?

    I don't know about hydro, sounds like a nutrient problem, and curling leafs can be from 100 things.... Pictures??????
  5. thcheaven

    24hrs or 18/6?

    No, LoL, It has been like 106 -108 here, and I have a 2200sqf house. your 600 may cost you 30-40 monthly AT THE MOST! I assume it's much less...
  6. thcheaven

    24hrs or 18/6?

    It's up to you, I do mine in middle of night, so I have access to grow room all day long.......
  7. thcheaven

    New drug kids are doing

    Who's crack? and wouldn't you still be inhaling shit? lol J/k bro.........
  8. thcheaven

    24hrs or 18/6?

    I have heard that the difference is negligable. I switched to 18/6 just to save a lil electricity ($600 bill last month). Seems to me, that in nature they get some dark everynight, so why wouldn't I give them a lil dark?:peace:
  9. thcheaven

    Does this happen to you too?

    My wife ate so many strawberrys on our honeymoon, that when she farted, I SWEAR to god, It smelled like strawberrys in the hotel room for 5 minutes. NO B/S
  10. thcheaven

    4 ft Out Door Growing pictures, first time grower.

    Do not cut current pot. replace it completely with a bigger one or go into the ground, I Suggest "Ground".... Root Bound means..... to many roots for current situation. No room to grow any more....
  11. thcheaven

    4 ft Out Door Growing pictures, first time grower.

    Stalk looks fine, Plants looks fine, I agree that it may be time to transplant. Dig a hole about the size of a 5 gal. home depot bucket, fill with Fox farms ocean or some other high grade soil. transplant her into new hole, water, and watch!
  12. thcheaven

    Caught this fucker in my shower...

    Where are you located? I live in Central CA, Desert, We have desert recluse's here, but the venom is like 1/100 of a true brown recluse. I've been involved with pest control since 1992 and that doesn't look like a brown. I DO NOT know if that particular type has the Bad venom or not, but I would...
  13. thcheaven

    New drug kids are doing

    God, Please let it be a hoax. What have we come to? inhaling SHIT fumes? I'll stick to my weed!
  14. thcheaven


    10-12'? GOD DAMN! I am so freak'n jealous! lol
  15. thcheaven


    Capt. in CA we have protection from all state, and local entities. Not to say that some FED can't get a stick up his/her ass and start shit. But as far as state down, we are legal to ingest, grow, and distribute amongst other prop. 215 patients. Yay for CAlifornia! oh ya, with the recent...
  16. thcheaven


    Nice to meet ya! I am Prop. 215 Patient as well, from Central CA. Those are Nice looking girls there! Looks like they are about, what, 6 1/2 foot tal or bigger? To hot here for my outdoor to get that big, they shut down most of the day! damn it! lol Anyway, welcome, and if you are anywhere near...
  17. thcheaven

    AK47 Automatic

    Found it, couldn't stand it, had to go find it. LoL Thermoplanter 1200 patio pot made by black river nursery 518-733-6395 Say's it cost abround $ 0.30 a month to run.....
  18. thcheaven

    AK47 Automatic

    Makes sense. If it gets too cold, bring her inside. If it gets dark bring her in, She should be fine under a 400w and real sun, just see to it that she gets 18 hrs of light a day, and watch the Pot temps, if her roots get to cold say goodbye, maybe one of those pot warmers??? I saw one in a...
  19. thcheaven

    4 Clones, 400 Watts, and away I Grow....

    Ima Pothead! Forgot all about this thread, LoL. The White Russians got Powdery Mildew, Trashed both! The kush's We crappy, Lol low weight low thc! !st grow, learned a hell of alot, Primariky how to prevent and/or treat spider mites. I just harvested my 3 grow 2 days ago, sample taken last week...
  20. thcheaven

    My first ever grow(pics)

    I'd stay away from Home store's. I use NOTHING but Fox Farm's Ocean. You may not even need to fert for 6-8 weeks, depending on your plants, size of containers, ECT. This is one item you should spend a lil $ on.... IMO only......