Funny shit.
Yep I talked shit, not behind your back but to your face about the fucked up system you tried to run.
Funny thing is you pass yourself off as a growing expert but you have to hire people to grow your plants. When I first walked in your grow it looked like it snowed on your plants...
Right... How do you rationalize things like this? I'm just hoping to save some other poor souls from listening to your garbage advice and being suckered in by you.
I just hope at some point you can look in the mirror and realize what you are.
You can get 2400 for the cream of the crop, but that's about it. Granted I don't hold my stuff looking for max price. I move it ASAP... Export green stash, import cash...
Sent from Northern Colorado.
I'm thinking of adding DE to my coco mix indoors too. A mixed in mechanical bug killer. Only thing I have heard of so far is that plants will uptake some of the silica... Not a bad thing...
Sent from Northern Colorado.
So no adverse plant reactions? And thoughts on reduction of light absorbtion? I'm very interested in how the DE flocking turns out!
Sent from Northern Colorado.
This post is spot on.
Especially about shooting powder, fucking bizzar stuff. I don't like what it does to buds. It puts a fresh foxtaily coating of immature buds on your nice 6-7 week colas. It might increase weight but the bud looks like shit.
A&B in reality is all you need for a nice crop...