I ran a 100k watt medicinal grow a few years back. We ran a 2:1 ratio of hps and mh in flower with very good results.
Nice work on your grow, looking good!
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Chem Sour D x Tahoe OG. To be flipped in a week. Out of 4 plants there's 2 distinct phenos. I'm looking for the Tahoe dom phenom.
Sent from Northern Colorado.
Change the lights once using extended darkness. I do this every year, once when summer comes to have lights on at night and reverse it during winter so lights are on during the day. Never had a problem. Problems happen when you keep messing with them. A one time extended darkness will not hurt a...
Sure no problem. I have grapefruit seed or I can root a cut for you. And your welcome to some of these seeds as well considering they're crossed with your creation! I'll text ya
Sent from Northern Colorado.