I use herbies. And what i found out is its not seed shops that aren't taking the cards, its the US. after you make the purchase in a different country you have to call the bank and let them know it was you that used the card. Its because of the new identity theft rules on bank and most prepaid...
You need to look at the overhead cost you spent to produce a harvest. If you ard using as many lights as you say thats 35.00 per light x 12 = 420.00 each month X that by 3 thats a total of 1,260.00 per harvest on elect. and only 12 plants?
I use XXL hood to very nice hood. They are heaver than most, but very good light spread and dont seem to be any hot spots at lease none that i found. They say it covers a 6x6 but i stay 5X5 to. It takes care of 12 3to4 foot plants.
they make this one with a dome. http://www.ebay.com/itm/TurboKlone-T24-Clone-Machine-Turbo-Klone-Cloning-System-With-Humidity-Dome-TK002-/290661376298?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43acc4a12a
yea impossible to prove. Super Spliff might have it. Define: Old Timers as in growing, smoking or 5 + years on the site.
make it invite only, all new members on 90 day probation. They would be on the three strike rule.
I dont mean to sound like a ass but i'm not a nube, i know i can grow with the bulb, that not the question.
i want first hand ex. with these bulbs. Question
Do they make the plants stretch more then a reg HPS.
Does the buds fill out as dence. I have herd that they dont.
do they run cooler than...