Nova Scotia, well thats quite the compromise I must say! I wouldnt be complaining ether :-P
Thanks for the "stop by"! Come on by any time! Glad to have ya /hear from ya!
:lol: !
Thanks! I wish I was up like that in the morning too!
Yeah, I don’t think they will finish with those tones. The stem color will stay, but I would bet that they will not show true purple in the flower during final stages (could be wrong). I will be lowering the temperature about...
Hello there Boulder,
Thanks lovin the scenery myself. ;-)
There is two 400 watt lamps in the flowering room, one directly over the scrog.
I hope things turn out well for you with your scrog. Lets see that plant! POST
Whats your set up going to look like?
Hey Sticky!
Yeah, there are tones of purple, almost blue. I am not sure what to contribute that too...
Which plant are you seeing color on? (Ill take more photos for you)
Well Then.....Hello, thanks for the invite.
It’s quite hard to tell what you have going on there with out more photos. Here’s what I would like you to do. Start by taking photos from as far away as you can without losing focus. Take a few from above, below, side shots, buckets...
1:00AM Here
The sun is just now setting, I think I will take some time for a bowl out on my back deck while I watch it set. Heres a picture of what It looks like. This was just taken...
"I plopped my three biggest girlies outside today with the others. Now I have 3 left. I am still planning on the scrog and was thinking about what you said in making the scrog into a design. Very clever my friend very clever. Anyway....I am trying to stretch these babys as much as I can, but...
Thought I would drop a note, I was considering running an experiment using two separate Phenos from the same mother to determine "statistical consistency?" of each. Once the data is in, Finding, breeding, and crossing could result in an improved strain. You up for it?
I am working with...
SCROG = Uniform growing plain VIA training through screen....
Personal objectives are your own. I would also disagree that Scroging is to produce smaller buds. I would say that GWN has done quite well with the method. He has created a scrog with his own personal objective and met just that...