Time are hard, and they are only getting harder. If you still eat every day and have a roof over your head then your fine. People need to stay humble and keep on grinding. I hate when I see people posting pictures of stacks of cash on instagram, esp people who sell and that's all they do. Shit...
Yeah I havent seen any pm in a couple days. been trying to get my brix levels up but im pretty sure that is some advance shit that I have no idea what I am doing. Chu know
I didnt see the ph question, I range it from 6-7. Carokann, are you asking me if I have any pictures of this plant grown out? Sorry I am a little confused what your asking. I have seen pictures of it grown out on the internet but none of my own. Thanks for the complement
Sensi star Kali Mist Berry OG Blue cheese Super sour Og
Carmelo Planted the ladys in the ground, The sensi star and carmelo is flowering. How does everything look to everyone? I am worried that my plants are not getting all of the nutrients available to them
Yeah I am going to use peroxide until harvest. Should I stop at a few weeks out? Word on the street is it cool to spray up until harvest. I also sprayed with BT tonight, should I wait a couple days or is it cool to hit it tomorrow