50 sq ft AND only 1200 watts... but yeah, for real needs type growing, that should be enough if you grow even decently.
And the kids thing... it's a parallel... I'm also not saying you're wrong regarding the issue, I've never been in that situation, so I don't know, but given the things I am...
Oh yeah it is I am running a 300watt (actual) LED and a couple of CFLS in a 3x4x4 and it's almost 90 in there with lights on... my ambient temp outside is 60s at tat time... so you can see that it is hot... and like you i am letting my led vent into my tent (I needed the temp boost). CO2 needs...
you mean like a liquor store is when they sell alcohol to an adult that turns around and sells it to little kids? or cigarettes? cuz um, yeah they are. I worked in alcohol in Caliornia, and trust me they are...
Isn't it? because I said
So that seems the same. to me ;-).
Which is what he's doing as a patient/caregiver... he is not a business :-P.
Also, no:
haha... heck, I even got the 100 wrong, it's only 50sqft... and here's a bit of the rest, with an especially relevant passage in bold...
don't know what you meant here...? Thermometer measure air temp near them, shade or not your bulbshining on it isn't gonna make it hotter than ust te reg aitr temp. If it says 34, it's 34. It may feel less to you, when it's open... but unless you got a faulty thermometer or are using it in a...
You should be OK, but NEED to check your local ordinances. COUNTY. CITY.
Here is some State info from CalNORML
Also check local regs for other details: In Humboldt a single patient is allowed 100 Sq Ft but also only 1200 watts of light for...
The super crop LST will get you the results you were looking for anyway... basically, it's that OR SCROG, as shake&bake said... both looking for similar results (I imagine SCROG got popular because LST can be more work, and maybe even developed om it for the same reason... that's how I came up...
Not low, HIGH
That's way too high. ~26 is optimal.
Your 1.8 meters still need to account for: the light fixture and lights themselves. I estimate ~30-45cm, plus the sweet spot, ~20cm... 12 L pots are ~40cm... and your plants will get huge in them.
I think we just went from nearly 2...
so... you should have done something MUCH sooner.
There's not much wrong with those lanky bastards, really, excepting the problems that come with such height/lankiness.
Though as suggested, they look to be having a slight problem...
"Everyone" knows about Humboldt.
It has been a name associated with cannabis for, well I really couldn't tell you...
It is referenced in popular culture (songs and other media) sill all the time. There's even a major motion picture.
But the climate is changing as legalization affords places...
Looking good :)
Some advice:
While your little plants will like the added warmth and intensity of the lights being so close, you'll want to keep then around 8 inches away from the plants when they are more mature, between 6 and 10 is the CFL "sweet spot." Any closer and you risk light burn...
Ok, first of all, you're too high right now.
unless that was in a tiny box even 30w CFL isn't as big a deal as most people imagine. For many days...
because it has to... if it didn't, we wouldn't be here to ask the question...
I don't get how you mean why?
Is it? I've never been... but assuming it is, so (supposedly) is the speed of light. That doesn't make "empty space" as bright as the sun ;-)
A) well yeah, people ae stupid all over... but B) they didn't see the mold, on the trays or bread, but there it was... if they had known then I'm sure it would've affected business...
But we're not talking about stupid people, but business owner rights... I mean, did that owner have a right to...