You'll have to post some details for better help... medium, nutes... other set up... water, lights... and any numbers you may have gathered (pH, PPM, etc)
But if you can grow with tap water, than RO is not a must is it?
I mean, for the beginner let's say... an RO system may be too much... should they not try hydro if they can't do RO? How about a small/micro grower (though there's small systems for a decent price, so this is less the thing)?
Unless they can get people doing a decent job... like, yeah the black guy could have done better, but the white guy does well enough... yeah, my business could do better if I didn't discriminate, but so long as it's netting profits over losses... it's all good.
I worked at a bakery. No women...
Maybe we're just not as intellectually evolved as we'd like to think... look at cities... you still find a lot of cultural groups clumping together... wanting to be surrounded by like individuals is a big thing for most people... I like variety, but even I have a certain.. range? Sure, it's not...
I think that's where it all kinda breaks down... I mean, small to mid size businesses for example: discriminatory hiring/firing practices at that level aren't common knowledge... it's really between the parties involved.. stories and rumors circulate, but whose to say what's rue or not... so...
Well I think the LED should do better... usually get better LPW... and focused PAR, which means more of those lumens working for you... and for targeted light, as it's more directional...
CFL is ~50LPW (when using bigger bulbs... the small spirals do ~65) and need a reflector to re-target...
And if you factor common sense: mostly, people don't get fired for little disagreements or small pov things.. I am pretty "liberal" while my boss is a staunch republican (literally has a Reagan photo over his desk)... we disagree on a lot of things, he doesn't approve of pot, but knows i both...
Are they curently? no, should they be? that's like freedom of speech itself, it's still limited by some factors and with good reason (the old, you can't scream "fire!" in a crowded theater)... Sexual Harassment already limits it in the workplace, and rightly so...
I think current protection...
That's not light burn.
Definitely some deficiency/excess
check out
give details on your medium, nutes and water for better info
ie. jackoff... jackoff=express my self, as in, to spew my semen=why would you not wanna say I'm a wandering jackoff, as in someone who wanders about jacking off? whats wrong with it? Don't judge me.. I AM NOT ASHAMED!!!
feels good... I'm doing it right now... maybe.... ;-)
that's the thing right there... I mean, not that I don't like paying my ladies attention... but if they get too demanding... well... you know, there's just so many other fish in the sea ;-)
haha, that sounded like something else...
I just mean I want to keep my work load low with my grow... I...
Why do you hate self expression? So, I like to wander around, "expressing" myself everywhere... I'm just, you know, trying trying to find the right soil to grow a clone army...
oooh Luke all serious... do it, get serious, right now, like super serious...
as a hobbyist myself, I got a cheap LED 300W (& 6 CFLs @ ~20 watts each) for my little 3x4x4 cab... it's nice... we'll see :) maybe I'll try stepping back to higher watt CFLs instead to compare... I assume heat would...
AND replacing it with cooler air, either to mix with the hot for the avg, or to replace it... I mean, otherwise you have a vacuum :-P
which oddly enough I've seen problems with a lot.. people not thinking this out and collapsing their tents... or the reverse... pushing too much air too fast and...
1 600w should be more than enough though, and be able to be cooled, so you don't have to totally rebuild, just take out a light and center the other. I'd love that set up right now :)
as an aside, I have been accused of being too sensitive on here, so I say this:
When I read the your theory is silly bit I concurred... because it didn't sound to me like he was saying you're dumb and have silly ideas, just more like well that isn't very well thought out... kinda silly when you...
no no... the biomass will reach ambient temps and effectively contribute nothing in terms of changing temps... The soil will affect it slightly, only in terms of how long it takes for the tent to warm and cool when you go from lights on to off and back, and not much... the air heats up fast in...