you are feeding way too early, and watering too much and too often.
1. no food the first two weeks, diluted the week after that, full strength by the fourth week.
2. you want your seedlings' roots to grow throughout the pot in search of water to give you a strong root base. water until it...
that's a good meter so it's worth heading over to the hydro store and picking up some calibration solution, although a new meter should already be calibrated.
fair enough, back off a very, very little in your nutes if you want, but frankly your plants look really good and have probably already adjusted to the nutes.
when you're back down and ready to read:
1. look at for a discussion on using co2 in your grow.
2. a carbon filter is used to clean the air in your grow room so it doesn't smell of pot. they are easy to use and...
as said, 4 indica dominant plants is good and your space is just right for a 400 watt light. that light is going to put out a bit of heat so make sure you have your room ventilation finished and stable before you add plants. you are going to have to find a way to exhaust air out so plan ahead...
hey macsmoke24
can't help much, i'm an indoors guy - you can only grow cactus outdoors where i live. but it really sounds like you have things under control, and the plants look good.
no worries, they're young enough to recover. take a knife or similar and slice along the inside perimeter of your cup to loosen the dirt. place the cup on its side and use the knife along the upper inside to pry out the dirt ball as intact as you can. once you have the dirt ball free then...
what you most likely have is three 26 actual watt light bulbs. that's enough light for one small female in flowering. if both your plants turn out female, you should at least double the amount of light, if not more.
i think many of us have been where you are at one time or another in our lives. i really feel for you because i know personally it can feel like there is nothing left worth living for. i find weed is great for introspection while keeping my feelings under control. however, and i offer this...
your problem is not the light.
not familiar with your cubes but not unusual to need to ph adjust the grow medium. you absolutely need a ph meter to grow, so spend the 10 bucks and buy a soil meter at home depot. either that's your problem or you haven't been keeping the cubes at the right...
it's totally up to you. you can keep the light at more than 12 hours a day (18/6 is typical) and keep growing a larger plant. or you can go with 12/12 and your plant will start to mature, show sex and start to pack on the buds. the longer you go with 18/6 the bigger the plant and the greater...
depends on your number of plants and as said whether those are 100 watt equivalent (i bet you) or 100 watt actual. by the time you are flowering you want at least 3000 lumens per square foot of growing area and preferably 7000 to 10000 lumens per square foot.
to help you:
cfl 13 actual...
you want it a little wet because if it's bone dry the soil will come apart too much. roots will get exposed, and you want them to, because those are the roots that will grow into the new medium the fastest.
transplanting is just not that difficult or hard on the plant. first prepare the new pot with watered soil with a hole in the middle to accommodate the new plant.
then squeeze the pot with the plant gently (if its flexible of course) to loosen the soil. while cradling the plant gently in one...