Just blow him a shotgun when he is in the cat house, and cover the hole for a couple min. He might like it, and keep coming back! My cat loves the smell of my weed when its burning, but she hates cig smoke! Just about every time I get high, my cat is right next to me sniffin away!
I was hanging insulation in the cieling at my grannies, and some got into my eye..and under my contac lens. I got home and took my lenses out, and my eye was swelled shut for almost 3 days...and it constantly felt like I had sand under my eye lid. My eyes and nose ran for 3 days straight!
I had some rootrot on a couple plants that the root ball totally clogged the holes in the pots. The roots were a grey color around the holes in the pot, and they stunk like raw sewage!!
Thats kinda funny you brought up opposums, I almost hit 1 lastnight. He was lucky I seen him! If I wouldnt of swirved, he would of just stood there lookin at me. They arent verry smart, I will tell you that.
I used it a few years back, wormsway is where I got it and they had 2 types...1 for veg, and 1 for flower(cant remember the NPK ratio) but you would mix 2 Tbls to a gal of water. If I remember right, the brand was Super Bat. I didnt put any on the last couple weeks, Im a straight water guy when...
my step-mom raised 3 babies..I guess the mother was hit by a car. They were cool as hell, they would sit on your shoulder, and eat out of your hand. When they got a little bigger, she let em go.