Here is an update...24hrs later. This just shows you how quick myc grows!!
It will be ready to case in 2 days, and go in the FC. I also have a PF cake in the fridge I am going to throw in when the tray is ready.(same strain)
you will only get seeds on the calyx that got pollinated. Could be 1 bud, could be the whole plant. Depends on the air circulation, and how many pods are on the plant.
1st thing you want to do is get some rubber gloves..I use Zip-Loc twist and Lock containers and foil. I cut the foil in 2 x 4 in pieces so I can fold it in half once the print is done. I take alcohol on a cotton ball and wipe the foil first..then fold the foil in an (L)shape and sit it in my...
Wild Bird Seed and Vermiculite..The WBS has to be rinsed, and then simmered in a pot for 15 to 20 min on med heat, then lay out on the counter on paper towels to dry...(usually takes a couple hrs) it should be dry to where the seeds dont stick together. Now they are dry on the outside, but the...
You want to keep your temp around 80 to 84, and pitch dark when incubating. When you go to fruit, you drop the temps 10 to 15 degrees, and and induce light(12/12) and keep the humidity in your FC about 90%. For lights flourescents are perfect because they wont put off alot of heat. (if your FC...
Now take your tray or whatever you are using and dump it in and level it out
Now just cover it up with foil...punch a few holes for gas exchange...put in the incubator and check in 3 days!! More pics to come in 3 days!!