You want dark tubs for your incubator, and clear for the FC. You can use a dark tub for your FC, but you have to have a clear lid, or make a plexyglass window.
You can get pollyfill at walmart in the crafts section.
yes...the bubble stone just helps to distribute the heat evenly. If you just got your rubbermaids, just take your recipt back and tell em you forgot the lids. As for the holes, it just makes it easier on fanning needed! Plus it keeps the CO2 levels down. Here is a pic of a couple of my...
Thought I would post a pic of my incubator, hope this helps you guys out!
(the flip-flop is to keep my nosey ass cat from playin with the air-hose and
Kush...Indica =Strong body stone
Haze...Sativa= Speedy head buzz
Sativas get tall, have thin leaves, and take longer to flower. Indicas stay short, and have wide leaf blades, and finish qiuck.
I would hook you up if you had more than 11 posts, after you have been on here a little bit I will think about it! The forum I came from, we dont do any trading, or give out freebees until you have posted atleast 100 times. Srry bud, just watchin my ass.
The Marijauan Growers Guide by mel Frank talks about a grower that vaccume sealed in bags, and stuffed in steel ammunition cases and burried in the ground. It says it was his 10 year stash, and it tasted and smelled just like it did the day he burried it!
Oxygen, light, and temps are what puts a...
I take my kiefbox and put about .7 of bud clippings and use a creditcard going back and forth puttin a little pressure on the screen but not too much. The scraps will start turning into dust after a while, then its time to run some more. The longer you do it, the finer it gets and you get alot...