Just do a quick skim
Just combing the internet trying to solve my problems lol. Came across numerous articles about dolomite lime and compaction. As well as threads from thcfarmer, and other forums
Reading that dolomite lime can cause compaction issues and that it’s rather common. I did pre-amend my medium with it. Any thoughts on if that could be causing the watering issues?
I just got the meter two days ago because of all these watering issues. I was trusting myself to water a weightless pot but that didn’t seem to be working out either. They were still pissed. So I figured grab a meter and see what it’s saying. I’m worried the peat and coco are all compacted...
Someone just suggested that on the organic FB group. Said try 5% of pot volume waterings but more often. Someone suggested transplanting into a more aerated medium! That’s not even an option at week 6 with an autoflower right haha?! I’ll try the new watering routine and hope things smooth out
It’s soaks in pretty quickly. I grabbed a Dr Meter (moisture meter). And checked them all yesterday. Scale is 1-10. They were reading a 7ish pretty much and the wedding cake was already drooling. Pot was super light, but the meter said the soil was almost in the “wet” zone (8-10).
No not at all. I’ve been using distilled water jugs that are sitting in the garage so they’re def around 70ish degrees. You think if I overwatered earlier that maybe the soil got compacted and now it’s even more difficult to find the sweet spot?
If anyone from the dry amendments area could help me out that’d be cool lol
All Autos
Day 40 from surface
Down to earth amendments
I think I’ve over fed these ladies. I’ve been having some trouble with under watering. It takes them around half a day to perk back up but then still don’t seem...
Thanks mate!! The trellis was only added a couple days ago because I wanted to use this chance to practice with it (never used one before) and the tie downs were getting annoying lol. Each plant had like 15 ties on it and with watering and top dressing it was a pain. They’re about as open as...
Day 38
A week earlier on the bottom left plant
Plants seem to have stretched a bit but it’s actually hard to really tell because of all the training and LST.
Curious how the autos usually roll between weeks 5-7. I have some hairs clustering a bit on one and the other two seem to still be...
Thanks Dan. I checked out some sites and just ended up going with the Dr Meter on. Simplest one. Came in a 2 pack for 16 bucks!
Next run there’s going to be SO much more perlite in my pots lol. My first run you could barely see the coco there was so much perlite and watering was a cake...
Wait sorry help me understand what you mean by “you aren’t picturing a flowing plant in your mind”. I don’t get what you mean.
If you see the leaves on the straw pie they’re much straighter and closer to pointing upward. The other two have been a pain in the ass haha
I attached a pic of what...
First pic is straw pie. Never droops. A champion lol. All these plants get the same watering so far.
Photo 2 and 3 are wedding cake. King of the droop
Last pic is purple punch. Droops as well but usually not as bad as wedding cake.
Should I do a full watering all the way to runoff? I don’t...
From my current grow? I’m STILL having problems getting my watering correct. I’m starting to think the plants are drinking the water faster than I’m watering them. Also thinking I’ll never use 3gal pots again lol. My wussy plant (wedding cake) who is a who pain in the ass was doing OK today...