Will simple canopy movement and manipulation annoy them in pre-flower/beginning of flower? Not crazy yanking of the branches just slight movements etc. or do they do better with the ties removed?
Like the title says, when do most people stop training branches and supercropping branches that rise above the canopy. And what approx age do people usually clear up the bottom canopy. Not sure how much more these are going to stretch but they’re currently stretching I believe…
Day 32 from...
Edit* PH in last post should have said 6.6
Pics from this morning because they look SO happy out of left field haha. Checked for mites again Didn’t see anything. Will keep checking but I’m starting to think that at this point I have ZERO clue what was wrong w the plantsbongsmilie
Medium was...
Day 28-31.
Practice run before I throw some Mephisto genetics into the tent.
Made this grow way too complicated on myself and I tend to do that. But so far so good I guess.
Straw Pie, Wedding Cake, and Purple Punch.
Green Crack (photo) and Gorilla Skittlez (auto) are the two in the back...
June 5, Day 29
First full feeding
3tbsp per gallon (9) top dress
50/50 vegbloom nutes
3tbsp - 4-4-4
2tbsp - 6-2-1
4tbsp - 3-9-4
2tbsp - Insect Frass
1 cup worm castings
Watered in with fish/seaweed extract and Fish Sh!t. PH 6.
Absolutely was probably way too much food but I can’t stop...
Welp, I got the 120x loupe. Pretty nuts. I check a couple fan leaves with damage. And some fresh growth at the top as well. No eggs or mites. I’ll keep checking through the days but you we’re definitely right and they did not like that feeding. Very droopy right now :(
Well damn man. I started with half the dose of dry amendments in the medium and have only top dressed once with 1tbsp per gallon (and it’s been 2+weeks since that too dress). Going into The preflower stretch right now so I did a full top dress last night hahahah. 3tbsp per gallon of 50/50...
Girls are finally really taking off and starting to go nuts. Been battling/trying to identify a possible calcium/light burn/etc deficiency from the very beginning. I’m thinking it’s russet mites…
leaf tacoing a bit in most places, blown circle spots on the leaves, I have a 30x jewelers loupe...
Day 27, will post photos tomorrow for hitting week 4...
Re-tied anything that needed adjusting on the three plants. Mainly just the top branch. Seems to be growing a whole node each day now. Lots of leaf weaving and tucking, lower branches are really starting to pick up speed and catch the top...
Didn’t see this response thanks so much! Yeah that’s too much work for me lmao. Well the plants are at 26 days now and I believe they loved the tea. No real signs it was too strong although next time I will most likely dilute it to about 700-800ppm most likely. Pic is from this morning. No...
I checked the Journal and it’s been 14 days since their last small topdressing of 4-4-4. I haven’t been giving the 2-4tbsps of fert per gallon like most people do. I was planning to more frequently amend with 1tbsp a week or so. The plants have seemed fine and the compost tea had some Neem...
Day 26
Woke up to the girls looking pretty happy and upright after an evening of decently heavy LST. Been slacking on the journal so I’ll see what I can remember
2 days ago they received an aerated compost tea. I removed the ties to let them breath a bit. And 24 hours later I retied them...