People call you a hater because for some reason you go to every thread that has a stealth cabinet grow and tell the person how much they wasted on the unit. The wierd thing is you have a tent setup that is a totally different animal. People who don't want to spend time to build a setup or are...
Welcome to the RIU PC Growers Gang. Sounds like you got a giant 26 in box on the way from MrGrowPro. I have the same system, it rocks! A few tips i learned from the PC growers on Riu: 1.Don't grow bagseed, if you can order feminized dwarf strains that are meant for growing in small areas...
Interpol has a warrant out for him for rape so he is no longer safe in any country. Messing with the CIA and the state dept is usually not a great idea.
Hey I have a similar lowryder strain "shortryder" do you find that you don't need to lst if you just keep the lights close? Do you top your plants? and when?
So you are not using the pc box? With the PC box use 4 cfls 26watt and mix up the warm and day spctrums. Also reposition the lights by adding magnets to the back of the ac adapter and you can magnet it to the side of the pc box this way you can raise and lower the lights as need be while...
He would be a hero if he released all the horrible stuff our ememys are up to. I don't know about you guys but I still Love America. All countries are engaged in very shady stuff, I hope we get to see this guy's life be disasembled by the CIA. People have been killed for far less than this. For...
ct- So my babys are just in their first week above ground. When would i start using the snow storm and hygrowzome do you give em a few weeks just on soil
Your a champion bro. My shortryders sprouted into my Mrgrowpro PC so Im on my way.
I went with soil after all.
So i am not using any nutes just some quality soil and spring water ph 6.7
Do you think the hygrozyme and snow storm make a big difference?
Wrong! Guys its N20 Get it right. I am an -nitrous junkie, I used to have one 30 pound tank,three 20 pound tanks, one 5 pounder. I got them filled at a filling station where all the guys working there carried guns at all times (see nitrous mafia). Before that I used to 24x24packs with 24...
Great job man! Have you grown any from start to finish in the case? Ive got 2 shortryders in soil and just wanted to see what I can expect in a month and a bit.