Like I said Its the young ones...My Mother in law has worked for the Pd for 15 years and i got stopped cop was being a dick im talkin like bad asshole and my girl friend goes watch and says "Hey is my mom working" cops goes "whos your mother" and she says so and so and he goes "no way ur her...
He was on his bike and just rode home cops only asked him to stop a few houses down and he rode home and went in then they kicked his door in.Thats what word from his bro is and he was out front
Its bull shit my homie vince was a big ol teddy bear and the average age of the cops he is 24 young ass punk who harass and fuck with u untill ur scared to do anything.They chased him to his house kicked in his door and three cops shot him in his kitchen after they tazed him all this happend...
Merry Christmas Jack.....
Hi everybody. Thank you so much for all your messages and good wishes. We've been very lucky to have some great friends helping us gather up the equipment Jack needs to come home. The main thing he needs now is...