Water crisis?....The Delta is being killed dude by a bunch of farmers crying about crops witch there is plenty of.Im from the central valley and only people its effecting is a bunch of people who shouldnt even be in this country as it is.The other fish in the delta need the smelt witch is the...
Im born and raised in cali iv been from border to border and traveld most every inch of coast and have explored the mountains with my Father since I was a young boy.I am proud to say im from California and will never live in another state.Oh and the whole growing Tree legally is also a nice...
Theirs nothin like tail gating then goin into a packed house with 60,000 of ur closest friends.Standing on third and 4th downs.Screaming untill u have no voice...I love it
O well dude im just as football fan who wants to see his team on the field.WIN LOSE OR TIE NINER TILL I DIE.If you guys win cool.You may put up 30 at home but it wasnt playin the niners.
RIP Chris Henry