I am poor myself friend and just grow medicine for me and the wife i have 420 watt 2 180 ufo and a 300 mars plus a 300 watt cfl but when i ran my 1000 hps by itself it was better. All my led age cheap i am trying to save for cree set up 1000 hps cost more to run than all my stuff now...
I'm so glad to have found this thread I'm just reading up trying to learn. Hard to learn until i get the materials in hand and start asking. I'll be getting something to build in the next 2 months after i complete my house. Going to stalk this site until then. CobKits i really like your style...
Would love to but $$$ are tight I just bought a house cash and remodeled it from floor joist up all new beams floor joists all new electrical heating plumbing flooring changed walls doors I'm still not done $$$$ and a disabled wife and 3 beautiful kids whom are a bit spoiled my oldest boy 7 got...
Jorge I would like your opinion (because your a bad ass) wanting to build a cob light first time small time grower 5x5 flower room try to run perpetual garden small 2 to 3 ft plants more worried about quality than quantity. I have a few cheap leds over 1000 watts total 300 mars hydro, couple...
I'm sure i could learn how to build a light. I'm a carpenter by trade. Ahit i installed a 200 amp service at my home new everything from the power lead to the new panel and many new circuits. But have never built a light though
I know nothing about building a light how hard is it and for a 5x5 area 5 or 6 small plants 3ft or so what kit would you recommend i liked your response to yours cost more I'm in construction own my own business people tell me the other guy is cheaper i say go for it. I give the best price i can...
Such a stoner move home from a long day at work little one is on bed older one is watching movie I'm out back about to check my plants in the room soon well to the point decarb at 260 for 20 minutes he said it works best and by the scoop of honey i Just had he's real good at dab edibles then...
So after talking to my friend well his younger brother who is also my friend strange how when you grow up as children with someone and there siblings are younger when your older you still think of them as younger when five years is a lifetime at 10 at 38 5 years is like a week
Thank you i think i will move them this weekend then all i have to worry about is deer rabbits but i would rather risk that than lose it all to bugs can't wait to finish remodeling our house to move in going to have a sin tunnel in my grow room free 400 to 600 watts of light on a sunny day...
Hope so i got mites i have been able to keep them at bay but not get rid of them killing my indoor crop bad. I put a few troubled plants outside a while back and the problem cleared right up but I'm 4 weeks in and mites are back just treated with azamax killing me softly those dam bugs outside...