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Home > Products > Nutrient Kit For Sphagnum Peat Moss Base - ClackamasCoots Style

Nutrient Kit For Sphagnum Peat Moss Base - ClackamasCoots Style


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59 Reviews
Building your own soil? This is our preferred...
Need help withthis please what is my problem temps are good RH good in super soil modularhydro buckets it's soil ponics but lots of issues going on can someone help please.
Right here with you on that my wife has seizures and I have a tumor and we have low income. We just make it most weeks and thanks to an old friend who has so graciously helped out when times are tough. Thanks to the CBD dispensary in Detroit Michigan Chris, Bruce, and the guys. They also got a...
I agree so much info some good some bad. Just so much. You will chase your tail if you listen to everything I myself am just learning this the hard way. Starting with a new approach letting it grow by itself KISS. is right I like your thought. Trying to hard to fix everything for nothing.
No like I said I'm real new to this I got a base mix kit from and added what there recipe said. This was my first time trying super soil hate to waste 100 gallons of soil. Take a look at clack master Koontz style is what i used they break it down. If you don't mind...
I am no expert by far newbie here I have heard it both ways in growing in SS and I'm having major nutrient or ph problem no one can seem to figure it out for sure not me
It doesn't say the ingredients but i bet it's collidal silver cause it carries the same warnings