Thanks guys!
Yeah I actually felt like severely dizzy last night for some reason. Probably the guanfacine and Xanax. But man this sucks lol like I had to take my Valium because it was so bad and kava kava wasn't helping.
The Xanax will be tonight. luckily I have the next two days off so...
First, there is no thread anywhere to my knowledge of the interaction between these two drugs so I am going to make one for the sake of knowledge where someone is wanting to know the same information as I do now.
My personal problem:
I have an old script of intuiv, and I came off of xanax a...
Dawwwww :3 I don't even know what to say to that!
dammit I can't even get you rep.
You know you're pretty fuckin awesome yourself. See.. I can't even give you rep!
If someone helps out this folk, help me out too. I love that stuff, sets me in a good mood.
How much are you spending on trams? I've never bought them, I get them handed to me every now and then it'd be nice to have a stash.
I don't mind not doing them, beer is fine with me. Kratom I know is legal and that's all I really need too. And who's to say an occasional joint will get you into much trouble anyways?
We don't plan on getting in trouble, going there is not for the drugs it's for the experience. And the quiet...
There's a lot of articles on it, it seems as if it did really happen. But it's just so odd I can't help but be skeptical. Really cool though, something I read says that the nucleus of his body cells are still functioning although his brain is not.. Very strange..
Yeah I've read about double slit...
Have fun in Colorado man, I haven't even been there since before it was even a medical state. Thanks for the hope!
But awh:( that sucks man a lot of girls get homesick. I'm not even messing with any more relationships until I get out there for that whole reason really.
Fortunately or...
Well like I said the traveling won't happen that much until after we're settled, have careers blah blah blah so that's a couple decades down the road from when we initially move there haha
We just want to see some of the world ya know? And New Zealand is great for growing our crops.. I'll...
A buddy and I have planned to move to New Zealand in exactly two years. But the drug laws are not very informative on the internet. At least as far as I've read. Him and I are fine not doing drugs at all however that probably won't be the reality so I have a few questions.
1) is there...
Ah, that aspect flew by me.
Forgot about that entirely.
As you age and get pains, and decompose so to speak. I am sure that a lot of your wrongs will be righted(being a good person). I have been on my death bed it seems a few times and I can say that the moment of death is nothing short of...
Another good AC one.
does anyone in here get hit
with inside fever?
so bad sometimes it's hard
to move around
they'll show you all the things
you are not doing
instead of helping you they'll
lock you out
and you're whining you shouldn't waste your...
How does one not exist in two dimensions?
I'm just being difficult. It seems you have a lot more knowledge under your belt than I do to be completely honest.
For the sake of discussion could you explain why one could not exist in two, and also why possibly both are not one to begin with?
I once had a thought, not knowing much about physics that our universe was just a power source. We all spark and perish. Over and over. From organism to galaxy. Over the course of billions/trillions of years of time, there would have been enough energy stored into the ultimate black hole that is...