the first video is of a crocodile being cut open after swallowing a man whole (also in malaysia)
the second is a john west ad its fairly funny, its the reverse of a shark attack!
Seriously though wouldnt it be hilarious if a big dirty nag burst into the place with two young lads called martin and john-joe on the back of it with no hint of a saddle or reins.
haha yea its frustrating when youre trying to remember what you were dreaming about but i think you only remember the dreams that you wake up from. i remember readin that somewhere.
speaking of deepweb- i downloaded the freenet software but the fuckin thing was eating into my monthly data allowance even when i wasnt doin anything online.
also when i downloaded utorrent it put a big dirty toolbar across the top of my browser that slowed down my already shitty internet.
sounds good. cant wait for breaking bad in a few minutes its getting really good now. i thought until a few episodes ago that the pacing was kinda slow but its all happening thick and fast now!. speaking of telly did you see the program the other night on nat geo about hash, i was drooling when...
well 86, nice avatar!. ive nothing on the go right now. i might save a few quid and get an electrician to put in an extra socket in me room cos the growin stuff takes up all the sockets!. are you usin hempy buckets?.