iamaaror- is there a thread where i can read a bit more about the hempy bucket coco setup?
I made up a batch of brownies on thursday and fuck me i will never forget it. i didnt actually eat that much, but about an hour after i ate them i was in a fuckin kink on the bed. my heart-rate was so...
jaysus 86 its one thing after another for ya.can it actually happen that salt or nutes can deposit in the buds?. ive never heard of that happening before.
i harvested the four girls yesterday. i had a few different reasons for doin it. i spent all day trimming and my thumb is still half numb this mornin from trimming. im makin cannabutter this mornin- it stinks:) . i found a few more white bits in the bud too.
im sure i just smoked too much too quick. i cut off the two little white bits. my humidity sensor is sittin in the bottom of the cab and it usually reads somewhere in the seventies bud im sure its lower than that higher up.i also have the door of the cab open for most of the day.nice one, im...
i smoked some of the bud that i clipped last week. its almost three years since i last got stoned. at first i thought it wasnt getting me stoned at all but then it hit me like a baseball bat!!!. ive very rarely been that stoned, i got too stoned really. i was feeling really uneasy for a while...
very interesting stuff iam. ive been thinkin the last few days that although coco seems to be one of the best mediums, watering every fuckin day is just goin to drive me wrong after a while.
im growin autos for my next grow and ive read that they should be started in their final pot, would you...
could be three weeks:(
im gonna get one of those usb microscope jobs before i decide to pull them.
the rain around here today was fuckin awful it just did not stop. its the soggy south east for the past two or three months.
i feel your pain kang- literally. im getting the back garden ready for rotovating its needed it for years. im movin loads of shit out of the way. oh me back!!!!!!!
cheers iam its like a big penchil-sharpener;-)
i think im in for a bit of a headache come harvest time.
the girl i took the bud off is a few weeks ahead of the others and i only have the grow cab to dry them in.
ill have to think of something.
these are the freebies im due from attitude
World of Seeds Medical Collection Mazar X Great White Shark
G13 Labs Cheese
2x Dinafem Seeds Cheese AUTO
is there one decent strain between them or do they keep the really shitty seeds to give out as freebies?