It aint fishy. I get bored, have no one to talk to and like to Skype. I always smoke by myself. I'm not asking anyone to Skype and I took my link down. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, jeeze I'm not the Skype police. I have no motives, I like to talk pot. And I didn't come here...
What's to be confused about? Sounds like the most non confused way of thinking that I have ever heard of. There's no buying into anything. It is the universe and the way it works. What greater thing is there to understand? If we can understand that, we have everything. Only the thinkers...
Wow guy. you are MY guy! I have felt and spoke these very things. I thought I was alone and no one can connect with me on this one in my peer group or my family. Whew. Spinozist? Pantheist? And I was reading your other thread about this and thought to myself the very same thing you mentioned...
Hey, I'm picking up what your putting down. I seek that knowledge exactly. I didn't know it was called anything though. Oblivion is the dark. Self-Consciousness is the light. Thru higher consciousness and seeking to get there we join the eternam. I have these thoughts but that word eternam...
I love absinthe. Strait with no water or sugar. Makes me see things in a more beautifully creative I love the Earth kinda way. But how did you drink homebrew with no alcohol? Was it tea? the dried herbs in water?
hey fellas! I cooked it. I made an infusion of caapi and chacruna. Cow, what a vicious bite! The experience was almost too intense for even me to not want to make another...almost! ha. I am scared to do it again, truth be known. But BMT is a fascinating molecule.
none of you guys have a Skype click thing. why? you think that might not be the best idea? I was thinking that might not be smart. Can someone get me that way? How else can we have a Skype smoke date?
Just to put my 2 cents in, I ordered 10 seeds from Mandala. That was last year and have been trying to get them to germ this year with no luck. They were in the fridge with 6 others that have all got their first leaves now.
dang! duhhh. oh that. you looked that up?! thank you for doing that. we really want to open this can of worms on my intro page? Sometimes it starts war. hehe...ok...lets. Do you like learning about the Bible? I do but am not a Christian. However, Genesis 3:24 is speaking of the...
:leaf: Greetings from the Bible Belt, USA. I am no holy roller; I have to be a rebel in this God Loving state (for now) that won't let us grow what HE gives. I grow and get extremely paranoid about joining cannabis forums. I have only been a poster on one other forum but it's like a ghost...