yes, if I can find that utube clip. or just do a search for oil fractition cannabis. or cannabis distilled. search 'distill cannabis'. This is Ric Simpson approved and recommended. edit: wait that aint gonna get it. ill try and find the one that is cannabis specific.
the steam from heated alcohol hits very cold surface and the oil separates from the alcohol and is instantly separated and collected if using a fractitioner or oil separator. It is a pressurized thing. The cannabis gets flooded with alcohol and pressure forces the oil into chambers and is...
well basically the goo, tar, oil, the dissolved cannabinoids are the essential oil. So just like any plant that you want to get the oils from, you can use a number of ways. Im specifically talking about using steam distilling.
I'll tell you how...really big fallen angels had sex with the upright creature women that lived at that time. They weren't supposed to but they couldn't help it. They were very big and very smart and could have sex with the girl beast of their choice. These beasts were not intelligent but...
Hi folks. This topic is something I am extremely interested in. It seems to me that this is the best method of extraction for use in curing disease especially the granddaddy of all disease...cancer. I am extremely interested in being proactive and preventing cancer from spreading rather than...
as a new grower on a budget, get some worms to make that soil healthy and forget making this whole thing complicated for now. No chemicals yet. Worms will give you just what what that plant wants. In my experience I have rushed and been impatient when it comes to sprouting but the best thing...
She is willing to give you up for an ounce a year? Oh, wow. And you love her? Sounds like she might not love you that much. In these ages, her way of thinking is very unintelligent and uneducated. I'd say she is lacking in some character quality. It's probably a moral issue for her where...
well, if the scribes of long ago could pick and choose which books made it into the Bible, then I can pick and choose what to believe. The Bible was not intended to be taken literally in its entirety. Some of it is literal, some symbolic, some poetic. Like our writer Solomon here. I'm not...
Well not liquor stores carry the same brand. There is hundreds in all strengths. Some with none, some with 30%. A USA store can import the good shit just like I can.