I think he was just meaning he does not give a shit. He won't look at a link. He meant that just because some priest said it does not make it true. We all know priest can be a little morally challenged with very specific agendas. I heard you say that you would watch it to tell us the name of...
lol. what? just an fyi. lol but you see, the Bible doesn't say stay with your rapist forever. It is kinda saying if you sleep with someone you will marry them. Rapist were punished in those days with death just like other crimes. Death. and not just death for the offender. Death for the...
and for some irony for the guys in my thread that like irony and talk dick skin all night long...that whole town got slaughtered just after all the men got their foreskin cut off.
those girls were sluts just like we are, don't think for a second that men were going around raping everyone. Those chicks were wanting it. These were early early barely civilized people though. There weren't many words to use in those days. vocabulary was limited. Moses could not just type...
NO YOU ARE NOT! stop it! you can get murdered that way. hello....the craigslist killer ring any bells? Do I sound like your mother? Bossy sister perhaps?
oh my where to start...shit...ok. Something tangible. I need tangible words. Meaning...let's take free will for example. That is a thing. It means making conscious decisions one way or another for a purpose or no reason at all. How can you deny that? It is what it is. There is no...
Your comment is true. but it's all good! You know how everybody is always putting so much private shit on facebook on their wall. They will talk about the most ridiculous drama ever and everyone chimes in to their bull shit. Well, I don't use facebook like that...I make it represent the...
deserves? sweets, you are taking yourself too seriously. don't be so mean. it was fun. it was my thread, don't hate. just love! lol how do I "deserve" or not deserve anything of a virtual nothing? shit, what or who does deserve all that...what was it? fun? edit here->but I was going to...
no. It's all good! you are right though. it was all very spontaneous. And I am satisfied, yes! The best I've ever had on a forum, or shit even real life! lol...welcome, that is.! ha
It's not illegal anymore. For a couple of years now. And before that, I imported 3 bottles with a guaranteed delivery. And just because its illegal doesn't mean much now does it?
What about this one? I'll bet somebody is going to come up with ways that these are not my real pictures. has anyone ever showed naked tits around here? and don't tell me lies! I guess I need to get out more because this was fun.
its like a funny quirky reality game show around here. Im still trying to get my picture to upload. maybe it is too inappropriate. lol. but I used this stupid youcam to take the pic and it does not want to let me use the picture. it wont copy and paste.
uuuu! well then I'd have to take another. ok what do you want me to do? Jeeze. Really? I aint showing tit. Let me think. Do I have to use a downloader? And why can't I put my picture here on this thread? It's special. lol ok ive got an idea to authenticate or what the hell ever. lol
I'd be good at it too. Don't worry I won't hurt anyone. I'm a nobody. Just here spreading love. lol I took a special picture just for the occasion, now if I could just figure out to post it.