a home setup in the uk is about £1000-£4000 this one gives out 170w 24v its not to big at 1600m x 830m x50m and not to deer £1400 but you wood need lots of them to run an 1000w hps bulb. if you get a to way power meeter you will get paid for wot you dont yous. but you stil have to put it thro an...
i do take the piss and have a jok or to. but i do try and have it on talk,n,tolk evin genro growing, but you have to give thes newbie a chans or no one will end up puting a post on the newbie central.
iv planid 10 seeds befor and thay wer al boys it can be down to lots of things but must of all is stres like not haveing the light on a timer but then at best its 50/50 if its boy or girl good luck
hi garden knowm thats good just a bit moor than i got. i got about 9.2os dry of 4 plants with 1x 40w ft 1x30w clf 2x25w clf and 4x20w clf haf wer 2700k
just get one 30w or to 20w clf or you wont get rid of the heat and you wil have to start them on 12/12 and crop or train them it will be rily hard.
and im non going to tel you my way for free LOL hehe
you wont no if its not a boy til you see pre flowers if you get balls you no its a boy it wont be to long till you no normly to weeks to pre flowers aper