:mrgreen: a bud of my G.W.S this is on a clf grow i grow 4 plants and got 6.7os dry from 3 of them. the pics are from the last one so you can get good bud on the chep the setup only cost me £26 i usd 2X25w 1X30w 4X20w clf and 1X40w ft.
my missis sed she wont come home til i cleen up as iv not dun it for 3 or 4 weeks so i got munkd and cokd out of my head then it rily flis by. but i allwas thort it was a girls job? sory to any girls out ther
so gordon brown is on about making cannabis back to class b and getit of the street so it wont be just a cauting if you get cort. this is in the UK:peace:
5000 years old a? must of bean a purer breed whot was it sativa or mainly indica? il be yor mate if you let me have sum? and wot wattge is that monitor? i bet its one of thos new L.C.D and how do you tern of the screen saver?
skunkushybrid thar are in 2gal pots and 90 days old and have bin flowering for 50 days the the one plant that im having the prob with is a lot smaler at only 24" but very compact. the temps are 70-75 and i do let them dry out thanks
my mate lives 250mils from me so i dont visit him i dont no wot he grows them like but iv smoked sum and its prity good he gave me about 100 seeds so im going to germ 10 to see wot il get try and get 1 rily good mum for cloning il post sum pics when i get them going thanks for the info
Hi to you all iv just got sum skunk,1 seeds of a mate hes bin growing them for a long time. But he grows them out side and im going to try them inside so the thing is are thay any good? big yilde an how strong? Thanks for any info on them as iv never grown them befor:mrgreen:
at the mo 0 but lasnight completly gon i had to walk home 3 in the morning a 15 min walk tok me about 60 min i think? but im not that shor as i was so fuckd but il do it agen tonight
As sum of my mats have fond out the prob with hps is the HEAT if you are a sudent or living with mum and dad and only got a small place to grow then CLF are the thing to use as its so hard to get rid of that heat. so clf for small stelf growing. ps thats one of the best CLF setups iv seen good luck
if one of the leeds has red and black wires as a lot do if it was not made in the u.s or not made for the u.s then join red to white and black to black good luck!!